Thursday, August 9, 2007

I got so bored so bored today, luckily Cath Jie came and chat awhile. Then teh comp restarts itself.. darn... always like that sia.. anyway, my cousin is screaming, no mood to watch NDP, so I came, I went to my blog, and I thought maybe I could write more poems on Roses.. long ones, challenging ones, so I wrote this... May I present, the hiiden acrostic, Frozen Rose...

Frozen Rose (Hidden Acrostic)

Freezing wind blew mercilessly,
The rose withered and froze,
My goodness, oh! Her beauty is gone,
Trapped in forbidden zone,
Soon it was another evening,
She cried, waiting for the new spring.

Reveal your true beauty, my frozen rose,
Your outfit does not determine your heart,
That special soul in you, bring it out!
Now that’s the everlasting beauty, that none can surpass.

copyright © August 9, 2007 Kyanta Hidayat

Hidden Acrostic is where the acrostic is not at the first letter of first word, as usual, try figure out what's the pattern of the poetry, this is one challenging and fun form of poetry, check out wikipedia, or search in web about it, I kindda forget what is the real term, but the meaning is 'Hidden Acrostic'.

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