Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yea~!! 600th post of my blog~!!!!!!!
(Pop champagne, blow trumpets, pull poppers)

For all these years this is the first time I saw the MV of "Because of you - Kelly" and I finally bothered to read through the lyrics and understand it.....

It's about a broken family, with the first verse stating the stand of the victim - the child. She (the child) is committed that she wont make the same mistake as her parents, the failed relationship, that affected her alot, as well as probably her mum, who fell hard.

The chorus mentioned that the child was probably afraid of relationships to avoid taking the same steps as the parents, as such she wouldnt stray much, she preferred playing safe, and had constructed barrier of herself and the world, the reality, blocked the possibilities.

The next verse states her thoughts to probably her dad, that she tried to maintain her image of a cheerful child, trying not to tear as it would sadden him. However, the lack of family harmony has made her felt like having an incomplete home, lack of love, peace and warmth.

The family violence is eminent at the next verse, where the picture of death, pain and suffering came into the picture. Her mum was probably emotionally torn apart, trying to put up with the incompatible husband, yet wouldnt wish to divorce as she wouldnt want to affect her child, though she couldnt see that the disharmony affected more instead, and there is a hint that the child was probably the motivation of her to live on, to endure on, just as many mothers do.

The symbolism of the child is greater now. She symbolizes her motherhood, her vile of life, which is also awareness, of the family problem, as well as the conflict, of love for this child, which thus leads to a clinging but torn family, to love the child enough to not get divorced, yet that very decision affected the child more.

Now, the child is suffering too, for the same reason she is being emotionally 'tortured', by the dilemma she had. She would want a happy family but she is the one who caused the conflict indirectly, and she wouldnt want an incomplete family too, besides she might not know who to choose to follow. She's insecure, and afraid of the future. She might had resentment of being born into this world too.

I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty

That's the conclusion, the loudest sentence, the strongest words.

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