Friday, October 7, 2011

Today is indeed an eye-opener too.

Anyway, lets talk about work first, I went with my own thumbdrive of oldies songs, with a few party songs like down, low, beautiful girl, party rock, stereo love, etc. Anyway yea I heard lots of compliments from customers today! Since noon a few of them started commenting on Lion King songs, to backstreet boys, and even the safra manager sang along to stand by me and no matter what. Rose is delighted. Before that, I went to TM to buy coral lettuce for them, she's really grateful for that too since the cafe was left with only her and Mark. Towards closing, a group of customers grooved to greased lightning as well. Awesome!

It was tiring, today I did not take a break at all, unintentionally though, I guess its the motivation I guess? Haha. Tiring, but worth it I guess.

Really felt great that whenever I go all out in everything I do, challenging the extra mile, I'm always recognized and sort of rewarded, be it physical or mental.

However as I spoke to someone this night, out of work, I realized reality is really cruel, just as Love Thy Neighbour depicted, foreigners working the blue collar is really stretched and bullied, or taken advantaged of, simply exploited.

Again, Im glad people do share with me stuffs personally, that really allowed me to broaden my horizon. So anyway yesterday after blogging, i was chatting with a classmate. Somehow Im also brutally honest, perhaps because being classmates we all learnt sociology. Anyway, so I was saying that usually people do approach me in times of trouble only, kindda temporarily kind of thing. But I do looked at the bright side, at least I do not need to take initiative to KPO to help, trouble comes to me. Im so far still rather far with that though, at least many do give thanks. But still some do joke of pour water, even if I know it was a joke, still it kindda hurt, saying stuffs like "You're always the one asking us out", so they wont ask me out just for a quick sip or meal. So far, its really rare for people to do that. Sigh.

But oh well, Im living well. There are many people living far worst off, at least not as happy. So I did suggested the one earlier about challenging to a easier job, with lesser salary but at least get to meal at the right time, sleep well, and less stress. Sigh. Sometimes seriously, foreigners that came without serving NS are already frowned upon, some actually took white-collar jobs and screw other people up with their attitudes and power, whereas others took blue-collar jobs, ending up having to struggle to live just enough for the living. Sigh. usually, those of the lower hierarchy are the superman and superwoman's apprentice. Haha, as mark said, superman died, so cant label anyone superman, means bound to die hahaha~! True, many heroes are termed heroes when they die, but real heroes are those among us, with the rightful attitude and humility. Just like in wuxia, the strongest pugilist are those old man fighting with tree branch on a remote mountain village. Low profile.

Anyway..... oh yea xmas this year will be spent in sg too~ wootz, xmas fever is here already~!!!!!!!!

Really hoped to join in the fun this year, hopefully able to actually visit parties and jingle just like US do, but sigh, rare to find enthu xmas people nowadays. I'd love to sing along xmas songs with some friends, and totally take a break, a break from the world and the mundane ordeal. Right now, I've repeated the xmas hits thrice. Oh, then again, it might be happiest to self-fever myself, as usual, the best times is by yourself, sing out loud and enjoy like noone's business. =D

Lets see ba, take one step at a time =D

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