Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wanna share some quotes from Francois de La Rochefouch, a great writer.

"Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind extinguishes candles and fans fires."

So true, inaction and status quo for long will cause the small determination to disappear, but it will be an irritant for people with great aspirations to change something, and they will not be happy with the inaction.

"One forgives to the degree that one loves."

Yea, its easy to forgive someone you love, especially parents, they will always forgive times and again, because of their unconditional love. There's this fitting image of a strict dad, unable to express his love language, thus after reprimanding the kid he do minor actions to mean that he still loves the kid.

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."

Sometimes, that's the problem with liars, they deceive too much that they are lost in their own construction of illusion, then they live in their delusional world.

"Jealousy springs more from love of self than from love of another."

Truly agreed, jealousy is the fear of losing something, because of the insecurity one has that one has to possess the thing so tightly, it often stifle it and lose it.

"Many people are able to get along or sustain relationship because they are talking about themselves, its a challenge to do the otherwise"

This is an interesting concept I never thought of, its rather interesting because its true that you will have no problem if we are updating our lives to one another, but the challenging part is when you point out certain things in the person that should be changed. Just like parents again, seldom teens get along with parents because there is just so much expectations the parents give.

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