Friday, December 7, 2012

Last Fri ILP was really successful in my opinion. There was no complains, and the elderly seemed to have a good time, especially at the exercise part. They were gleaming with joy. I really liked that atmosphere.

Then on Mon I was really sick, so I returned school only today, Thur. Just nice there was a field trip, and Ive seen sociology of work in my own eyes. When asked, the auntie did not even know the name of the product she was doing, and have to read from the cardbox.

Anyway Jay Chou released a new album! I love him, I remember spending the whole night promoting him to my parents haha, about his talents to blend tradition chinese musical instruments with R&B, and later on to Techno, Blues, Country, Bossanova, Spanish, Mexican, Mystery, and more....


天涯 的尽头是风沙 
红尘 的故事叫牵挂 
封刀隐没在寻常人家 东篱下 
闲云 野鹤 古刹

快马 在江湖里厮杀
无非 是名跟利放不下
我只求与你共 华发

剑出鞘 恩怨了 谁笑
我只求今朝 拥你入 怀抱
骤雨落 宿命敲

我却 只为你 折腰
过荒村野桥 寻世外 古道 
柳絮飘 执子之手逍遥
檐下 窗棂斜映枝桠 
与你 席地对座饮茶
我以工笔画 将你牢牢的记下
提笔 不为风雅

灯下 叹红颜近晚霞
我说缘份 一如参禅不说话
你泪如梨花 洒满了纸上的天下
爱恨如写意 山水画

1 comment:

Happy walker said...

yeah. i also heard the new song.. feel like got qi li xiang de feelings~