Saturday, July 20, 2013

Today, had 3 awkward moments, which made me rather stunned.
Then, sent 25 ppl, to come out for a dinner on sun,
Only 2 replied a yes. Guess it would be a small one again.
Oh well. Guess in the end, the only few times I could have big table dinner,
is xmas and after events.
CNY, Mooncake Fest, Bday, is often just me, and my mum and dad.
Sometimes I really wonder what would like like with siblings.
Would it be a more vibrant dynamic family?
I would want family of 5 or 6,
to avoid cold war with sibling as most of the people having 1 sibling is cold towards each other.

Oh well my fate.
Perhaps im too full of worry and ruminations.
Rumination is the opposite of worry,
Rumination is to feel distress of something in the past,
Worry is to feel distress of something in the future.

I think I have that sort of disorder,
I tend to ruminate alot,
and often need to reflect and rationalize,
and to constantly remind myself not to judge things
on my emotions and selfishness.  

To the point I suddenly thought,
that could some ppl choose to fall into a rs,
due to reliance, companion, so that you are sure that
wherever you wanna go there will be companion?
And perhaps these ppl do not have a gung ho group of friends??
Thus some rs broke down due to no time for each other.

I was wondering if I could go for some check up or something,
like the movie "Kind of a Funny Story",
the kid enrolled himself into a mental institution,
made friends there, made difference there,
found his own happiness in the end.......


一个人 孤孤单单 走到海角天边 
偶尔想从前 回味成长的 酸和甜 
多希望 有一天 能再轻抚你的脸 
再多的辛苦 披星戴月 心甘情愿 

全世界 走一遍 不枉来人间兜一圈 
梦可以 很遥远 狂风暴雨都不改变 
全世界 心相连 用爱围一个大圈圈 
梦就算 再遥远 心里有家就会团圆

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