Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On Mon we went for kite flying, thats where Id learn the different types of kites, normal, delta, stunt. And also I found out how expensive is kite flying. I spent a total of 110 bucks on kites alone and another 30 for picnic snacks for consumption there. Hoped they have seen a beautiful side of sg =) then we went home.

Yesterday we did nth but slacked at my house. Originally i wanted to do origami to collect and give them away when I visit kids. But then I had to ensure they do their homework, so I turned it to a study session. Mostly Chi and Maths. Then left J playing poker, thank god there is poker. He was really upset cuz he turned up unexpectedly so I didnt know...

Anyway, after that I retuned Sheng's calculator, and thus I was wearing maroon red along the reservoir and I noticed joggers staring at me haha. Its so ridiculous how that string of incidents caused ppl to be so illogical. Like security guards forbidding me to take photographs of the sunset thinking I want to suicide? Would dyign ppl take photographs of the sunset???!! Haha....

Then I had this joke on fb to have a dare to all wear red and sing along the reservoir: we are singapore~~ we are singapore~~ lets all jump down together into the reservoir~~ haha I really wondered what if national day falls on 7th month hahahah. Ofcoz, its just a joke.......

Anyway so I rewatched a few movies like we not naughty...... then there was this scene where the rebellious son do not want the mother to care about his stuffs, and thought back of me, though I often mention what I had done only after ive done it, I often scuff in frustrations when they ask me while im having the event, I would often say "my problem"..... I guess I gotta change this, dont wait until its over then say, though they still happy, but its better to say beforehand.

Well speaking of dont wait until its over, I actually teared a little when the 9pm drama teacher left the sch. Then the concept, not everything we put in effort will have its results. 百年树人 takes long time to nurture a human being. Often the results comes when the beneficiaries took up the legacy left behind.

Tonight, I shall pull dequan into wushu, to better appreciate chinese culture.

Then I watched Shaolin by Andy Lau Jackie Chan. Haha watched it cuz at kite flying, my strings got tangled, then I commented to leave it to me as I "meditate" with it haha. Indeed there are many forms of  参禅 meditation. Got those quiet one, got through wushu, got through chores, and now through strings! Haha, isnt it amazing how one single long strain of string, could lock and knot together like that???

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