Tuesday, April 7, 2020

So first day of the Circuit Breaker measures of Singapore.

Well, what a rough start of the year. So Covid came on Jan 23, Singapore was quick to respond,
Thus DORSCON Orange on Feb 07. As the virus is unprecedented, we didnt know the scale of which it could go, Thus without Social Responsibility, Some clusters started to form. This is also when we started to have Travel Restrictions and all, While trying to salvage existing ships and flights.

As a result, our Quantum of the Seas was cancelled. I was extremely disappointed and the group suggested a road trip to Malaysia. Then one of the parent was worried and we decided to forgo the entire thing. So it became a staycation. Though it was still enjoyable, but the group had the flexibility to go in and out, so there wasnt one time where we had a full group. We decided to have steamboat, kite flying, and Superpark. But it was a blessing in disguise, because Malaysia then started Lockdown on Feb 17. Should we have went on with the plan, we had to cut the vacation short to be back on Feb 16 and brace the massive traffic.

Soon after, clusters became to form, rumours spread like wildfire. Social Responsibility was still not seen as many people went out despite having symptoms / under Stay Home Notice / 14 Days Leave of Absence. One of the initial triggers was when we had our first 2 deaths reported on Mar 21. People started panicking. And then, it hit on a preschool cluster on Mar 25. When disease starts to reach to the vulnerable, people will be increasingly worried. As such, Entertainment Suspension on Mar 27 - all bars and entertainment venues such as nightclubs and cinemas would be closed as there is a higher risk of transmission in such venues due to sustained close contact over a period of time.

This was the time where from 0 Tourism Arrival, to doing part time in F&B, from 6 or 7 hours a day to 2 hours, and eventually, no more opportunity to work. So I started looking at all the available supports. After all, we had Unity Package and Resilience Package. As the pandemic progress a lot faster than we thought, there were too many criteria in the supports that restricts me for getting support, most of which involves me not declaring my TG income, yet receiving fixed salary for my administration task in MDT, yet the part time I embarked on pays higher CPF contribution, though I wouldnt have anymore supplementary income other than that.

As frustrated as I am, I am grateful though that there are avenues for me to seek help. With 5.8m people under their care, Singapore will take some time to come u with solutions. True enough Circuit Breaker measures came, Solidarity Package was announced, appeals were allowed for people like me. So now I just have to wait. The trigger for this was when the third death involves another elderly on Mar 29, and that clusters started to form at Elder Homes. When the old and frail starts dying, and the vulnerable is at risk, people will start to lose faith in the Government. As such, drastic measures vamped up in an instance.

What I didnt like in this whole episode, was people trying to play politics in every decision the government makes. Blaming it on "For-Show", too much "Un-achievable Qualifiers", gain votes, etc etc. Compared to countries all over, I really dont see how are we not doing well. I have friends from other countries receiving peanuts, having extreme discriminatory treatments, or just silent treatment. I have heard of countries still in denial, covering up cases. No matter what, at the end of the day, I felt so much safer and protected in Singapore than any other country.

Apart from politics, then there are people who seems to be so happy for lockdown, saying that Circuit Breaker is same as DORSCON Red, which is a lockdown. Obviously people havent had much thoughts going on out there. Can Singapore really have a complete lockdown, meaning no import and exports? Our basic necessities are very much dependent on all over the world. How much of the country resource would be needed to supply us? Also, what's the point of having a lockdown, when even if 100% of Singapore is cured of the Covid, we are still stuck with the situation of lockdown because other countries are not 100% cured. Singapore, having gradual progression, is something already very good. While containing the spread of virus, economy was kept running as much as possible until triggers came.

Then comes with influencers and this irritating woman ranting on social media to ask people to stay home. Disease is a civic responsibility, If unwell, its up to individual to not spread, but this is unprecedented, so it spread through carriers that may not have symptoms, this was only discovered at the later stage and so its not an easy thing to tackle. There are some blacksheeps and kanchiong people that may not be too educated, or just simply have no faith that they started hoarding and all. Then, educated them, I had to educate my parents for 3 hours for proper safety measures. Doesnt mean stay at home is the best solution either, maybe people had made plans long ago, hoarders may need to stock up their favorite stuffs, smokers may need to get their supply of cigarettes before cease of supply, some lost their jobs and tries to hunt for new jobs out there, some just trying to exploit, some had celebrations and catch up to do before 1 month staying home; more importantly, for businesses, some may be their very last time opening before closed forever due to high overheads and rentals, some may not be eligible for government support due to private land and all, some may be a family owned business unable to pivot that fast and decided to retire instead, some decided to give up to be on the race because it drains on the pocket and yet when situation recovers the big players will raise the barrier of entry. So whoever can just stay at home and rant clearly are super privileged and myopic. Thinking that they can get whatever they want, and thinking that everyone else is stupid, without really going down to ask why do people do things.

Thinking in Social and Economical perspectives. Maybe it would give you more empathy.

All in all, I'm rather ashamed about human behaviors, guess I'm better off be a misanthrope. Maybe deep down inside, I secretly hope, that the virus mutate and kill more people. May be then, competition gets low, resources amplify, easier to purge the idiots, and less drama and noise in society, resulting in increased efficiency, increased livelihood, and increased lifespan of Earth.

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