Thursday, December 24, 2009

EGGS-tra Knowledges:

红果蛋 (Red Fruit eggs) - made by hens that consume the flesh of red frits that was used by manufacturers that produce red fruit juice, contains 30% nutrients of the juice itself. Low cholesterol. Helps cancer.

皇帝蛋 (Royal eggs)- contains more than just omegas, further details was not enclosed by expert.

低胆固醇蛋 (Low-Cholesterol eggs) – contains mere 70 cholesterol which was slghtly lesser than required intake of cholesterol by human, which is 75. Normal eggs have cholesterol about 250 !

斋蛋 (Vegetarian eggs)– made by hens that consume nothing more than vegetarian meals, therefore not fed with meat powders that normal hens would consume.

维他命蛋 (Vitamin eggs)- made by hens that consume high concentration of the particular vitamin.

抗氧化蛋 (Antioxidant eggs) - Unknown methods of hens diet, experimented that can reduce cancer cells by half !!

杂蛋 (Rejected eggs) - To be sold to restaurants due to ugliness.

无壳蛋 (Broken eggs) - To be sold to bakeries.

How to identify sick chickens: By listening to their snoring at night, further actions were not disclosed by expert, but every single situation will have its buyer.

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