Saturday, June 1, 2013

酒的滋味,百转千寻, 就好比人生一样, 悲喜交杂, 甘苦风尘, 只有经过这番苦涩, 才会唇齿留香, 让人回味, 就好比人生一定会碰到好多挫折与磨难, 只要跨得过去, 自然就会长大成熟, 只要信念坚定, 就可以勇往直前

The taste of wine, complex and intricate, like life, a concoction of bitterness and sweetness, happiness and sadness. It's no wonder children do not like it. It's only when maturity, and been through many hardships and glory, that we find its after taste, tingling in the mouth, like memories left behind, and as we breathe in and out, its aroma, taste, flow through like the wind, gone after some time, but we will yearn for it, and then we will continue drinking, till the end of time, till drunk.

This week is quite alright.

Mon had make up class, spend the day for leisure.
Tue pass real fast, at night,
spent 2h digging up old photos.
This was when I realized I've been through so much
in Wushu Hub. Really miss those fun times.
We really did a lot of things,
had lots of laughters
and did lots of stupid things
and made memories.
It is really impressive that we sustained Bedok CC wushu till now.
We had such great history,
Now that we had 3 classes,
of different teaching approach and etc,
felt really great to be expanding on wushu culture.
Had much to say on wed, but the level of enthu
made me slipshort everything and get it over and done with.
Doing it for a memory archive,
the class is not worth my time and explanation.
Wed report came in, started doing the proposal,
And thur passed like bullet with lots of info,
and then comes today,
cancelled Nafta, holiday steps in,
wushu class early dismissal.
One student skipped, 4 others skipped.
First skip is literally =)
I brought ropes for him haha!

Oh yes! Major highlight, thur early dismissal made me run all the way to Lynda Ann to buy a set of awesome chocolates for DQ and his Sis, and family, along with cheese fries, drinks and waffles. Spend some time there, taught him More Than Words tabs, some old songs, and just chat.

Told him to measure himself by the people who measure themselves by him. Glad about his influence on his peers, namely someone S. Amazing he had come so far, but his academy makes me super worried, and yet cant do any shit for him, totally dont know what to do for him already.

HAHA! but the major surprised not revealed yet muahahhaha.

Again I think, was it all worth it, the time, the effort, the slp, the emotional and social aspects. Dont know why, cant seems to find that perfect relationship, no matter what kind, just one that totally comfortable and happy with.

Well, the week is over, yet TED and Wushu lies ahead before exams.
Next few posts are probably exams related. =)

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