Saturday, February 27, 2010

I send out announcement/reminder. First few times I don't get reply, I continue sending. And say I spam. My fault.
That's their problem. Keep it up.

I send out announcement/reminder. I don't keep on sending anymore. They say they didn't receive. My fault.
Yes it is.

I send out announcement/reminder. I just send one time. When the time comes, they tell me they don't understand. My fault.
Their problem.

I send out announcement/reminder. I still decide to send just once. They last-minute say they can't make it. My fault.
Not your problem.

I send out announcement/reminder. I added a question, "Understand?". They think that I'm being fed-up. My fault.
Yes is your tone of speech.

I send out announcement/reminder. I ask a bit more. They say they're lost. My fault.
No one's fault but try to KISS (keep it short & sweet)

I send out announcement/reminder. They say I can't relay the message properly and clearly. My fault.
No one's fault, try to relay msg with speech instead then or you do yourself.

I don't send out announcement/reminder. They say they don't know what's going on. My fault.

I don't send out announcement/reminder. They say I always use to remind and announce. And they say they didn't expect that I won't send. My fault.
If you are leader then is your fault, if not their fault.

I don't send out announcement/reminder. They blame me for not finalising. My fault.
Their fault for not caring.

I give opinion. They say anything. In the end, the outcome sucks. My fault.
No one said your fault lol is you think too much.

I give opinion. They think it's not good. They disagree. My fault.
Please larh accept other's opinion too.

I give opinion. I put in a lot of effort. I get discredit. My fault.
No one's fault lol, sometimes is just that way, like as if we never had that.

I give opinion. No one bothers. They say it's not attractive. My fault.
Please accept other's opinion too. No one said is crime to talk wth.

I give opinion. They agree. They don't even try to follow-up and progress. They say I should be the one doing it. My fault.
Their fault.

I don't give opinion. They say I don't care. My fault.
Say your no opinion larh, no one's fault, just that you coincidently 'no opinion'

I don't give opinion. They think that I'm not happy. Keep blaming me not to be so upset always. My fault.
I dont know about that cuz im not the one saying.

I don't give opinion. They say I don't give a damn. My fault.

I ask for more. They say I'm too strict. My fault.
Ask as in expectations, yes. Ask as in questions, no.

I ask a bit more. They say I'm crazy. My fault.

I said "A". But they insist I said "B". My fault.

I asked for "A". They got "B",. When other people ask. My fault.
Not your fault.

I work a bit faster. They keep complaining I'm rushing them. My fault.
Yes cuz people's pace are diff.

I work faster. I couldn't get my agenda. I ask them once. They say I cannot give them pressure. My fault.

I just ask to be a little faster/harder. They say I'm asking for too much. My fault.

When I ask something. They keep on playing. In the end, they say that I didn't say. My fault.
Their fault.

I want to do something. They don't give me support/ interest. My fault.
Not everyone would follow you, sometimes doing something is hard, gaining support even harder... or everyone would be in the streets protesting now...

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