Monday, December 20, 2021


*General Reading*

Card : 8 of Swords 

Explain : A lot of voices, expectations and pressure that may trap your capabilit

Expand : 8 Swords, 7 Swords, Devil 

Explain : Do not give power to the Evil Thoughts of Overthinking but ground yourself with tangibles and manage expectations. Remember to Rest more and ignore the toxidity of baseless attacks. 


Card : The Moon 

Explain : It would be a difficult year of uncomfortable conversations with others and yourself. There would be multiple occasions of Ideal vs Reality, and forces you to face your fears while fending off against Deceitful People, that it's harder for you to seek the truth. 

Expand : Queen of Swords, Emperor, Page of Swords 

Explain : You have the ability to communicate but often blocked by unnecesary voices, by internal and external. Seek help from people that matters to you, open yourself to get the support you need

Expand on Emperor : 

Confirmed this card refers to you not others. Authority is on you. Your inability to communicate will lead to your lifepath blocked so you have the power to set boundaries and expectations. 

*Improvements Needed* 

Cards : Empress 

Explain : Know your self worth and recognise your abundance

Card : 5 of Pentacles

Explain : Work on proper closures when there are abandon situations 

Card : 8 of Cups 

Explain : There would be situations of walking away 



Card : 5 of Wands

Explain : Conflict at work, no proper guidance, clash of ideas, mindset differences, everyone at work become individualistic, selfish interests will surface. You must achieve harmony in order to flow through or else terrible outcome follows the year.

Expand : 8 of Wands, Temperance, 6 of Pentacles 

Explain : Situations will test your patience, will establish your boundaries, will question yourself, but do not allow ill-feeings to impede actual works, work on clarity on your part and do not impose your ideas to others in January

Oracle : Truth - Be true to yourself


Card : 3 of Wands

Explain : Waiting for something that you deserve but unknown to you yet, must surrender to the flow, the ship will appear, observe signs of progress

Expand : 2 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Death 

Explain : 3 possible scenarios 

1) Change of Dynamics with Boss 

2) Love Life or Attitute towards Love will Change

3) Declutterign of Physical Spaces 

Oracle : Flow - Recognise the Flow, Dont Resist, Do not Self-Critical


Card : Ace of Pentacles 

Explain : Additional Abundance 

Expand : Knights of Sword, 7 & 4 Pentacles

Explain : Financial Control, Growth Mindset, Don't be stingy on yourself, do not spend on others for the month or you will lose the energy. 

Oracle : Opportunity - Goodness of life will shower you a little only if you recognise it


Card : Chariot 

Explain : Busy at work, but distractions esp emotional, observe change of emotion but do not lose sight of your duties. 

Expand : Magician, Lover, 7 of Cups 

Explain : Attraction is strong to reach your goals but distractions come twice as strong too to block your happiness

Oracle : Transformation - Do not resist change in your routine


Card : 9 of Pentacles 

Explain : Abundance from a Earth Sign woman (taurus, virgo, capricorn) to latch on. This person has a motherly figure, has connections with your past life an will impart wisdom for your career progression and financial management

Oracle : Relax - All is well, do not push too hard


Card : Magician 

Explain : Best month to manifest your wants, to pursue additional interest, discover hidden gifts, people will listen to you this month. 

Expand : 10 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles 

Explain : There will be challenge at work regarding money and upkeep, but you can solve the problem only if you are not invoved in it. 

Oracle : Diligence - Take risk and you will receive its harvest in a years time 


Card : Hangman 

Explain : Stuck, in Limbo, worries of Past, delay in all goals. Try to mitigate by being more grounded, more barefoot to earth.

Expand : Knight of Swords, Star, Hangman

Explain : Mental health will suffer, there are delays, self love at minimal, work matter intensifies

Oracle : Potential - Volcano at rest, erupt anytime 


Card : 2 of Wands 

Explain : Caught in life decisions on changes in career and income of future. If change is taken, positive impact follows. But choices are plenty, wrong paths are plenty. 

Expand : King of Wand, Empress, 2 of Sword

Explain : You realise you have contributed more than what you deserved, have the courage to ask for more, and do not settle for lower grounds if offered, but this decision if made right will have tremendous positive effect for years to come. 

Oracle : Leadership - Consider Teacher, Guardian, Healer roles 


Card : Knight of Cups 

Explain : Use this month to focus on your true happiness. Expect people swarming to you, and you are ready to give your love, concern, care. Dont be burdened by other people's problems, ground yourself after every problem. A lot of things are competing for your attention and some will use toxidity as a means to get you, beware of such people and walk away from it. 

Expand : 6 Wards - Recognition, 6 Sword - Peace, 8 Cups - End. 

Explain : Walking away to bring peace and new beginning to get the recognition you deserve.   

Oracle : Illuminate - your guardian angels is assiting you on a upward journey of illumination.


Card : Emperor 

Explain : Demand from authority, gain back control, manage situation before it goes downhill, you have to put things in place, but do not be too overbearing 

Expand : 5 Cups - Walkiaway, Page of Wands - Progress, 8 Pentacles - Business

Explain : Walk away in order to venture your own desires in terms of business, but be careful not to be bossy 

Oracle : Purity - open your heart, whatever happened in the past can be start afresh, remember to forgive.


Card : Page of Sword

Explain : Breakthrough will happen, something new is coming, new project or ideas or career, a lot of evergy both positive and negative, a month you cannot sit still, go out of the house often if not you will be hot tempered. 

Expand : 4 swords - take a break, 10 wands - other people burdens on you, King of Swords - Implementation of Ideas 

Oracle : Flexibility - 


Card : Wheel of Fortune

Explain : Change of event drastically, on my favour, project comes to fruitation and completion. You are protected, safe, and blessed with divine timing  

Expand : Moon - exploration of self, 4 Wands - finding Freedom, Queen Pentacles - about Money)

Explain : You will feel freedom of burden for the month

Oracle : Pleasure - take life slowly and be present

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