Sunday, August 14, 2011

Choco Bread Siva: i was just a sucker with no self esteem, till i met my G1B01 classmates. They gave me confidence and made me believe that im not a loser after all. Thanks guys!

Felt really great seeing this status update... recalling how apathetic was he and so defensive, like the whole world owed him something, but yea he's a totally great guy, uniquely and awesomely Siva....

This proves once again, Differential Association Theory, and Control Theory, that a person's behavior depends alot on the environment he is in and the informal sanctions such as frown, alienate, teases and insults thats imposed on him.

For the next few days, I should summarizing what Ive learnt through the whole semester.

Mainly Socio though, lots of chapters to cover, culture, family, gender, religion (not too much since its sensitive), McDonalization =D

POM perhaps, all the 4 functions, Marketing... erm.... we'll see how....

Anyway, went for pools with KeiYun on Sat, I still think that he's quite an introvert, same as WeiChong, oh yea, that day I redeemed my free Ice Kacang thanks to, I went up the bus with the bowl and the bus driver gave me a 'diao' stare, then signalled me to get off, so i ran all the way to weichong house to share with him, which by then melted almost till a quarter left haha.

Oh yea, learnt Man Jiang Hong today, and also add ons to Ba Gua Zhang =D

Oh yea, was talking to Cheuck and I won a small friendly argument, he commented that I was trying to psycho him, so I replied:

well thats labelling theory of sociology, u think uve been psychoed by me cuz ____ kept telling people im a good psychoer, but by doing so he's a better psychoer, and thus people think im always psychoing when im argueing, when ppl like ____ is a better arguer thus better psychoer, and evaded the label...

if u compare the persuasiveness in all of us, i guarrentee im the worst among the 4 simply cuz im being labelled as a psychoer and they got away with them, to prove, im always the one being "exposed" for psychoing...

Interestign sociology works in my life?? thats one example, many more =D sociology is fun =D

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