Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today's topic, is amnesia good or bad?

In a way, we could look at it this way, it is a way to start afresh for your life. But is this possible? Is it as easy as said? What if you had did lots of harmful things or such, it would be really frustrating and painful to deal with 'things you did not knew you had done'. In terms of friends and love, you would have to start all over again to gauge their sincerity and explore their personality and true colors. In terms of career, you would have to start again from almost zero, relying completely on sub conscious mind to take care of things.

Then, is it better to recall the past or not?

I think that depend very much on the extend the victim could handle things. If by knowing his past is to better understand the past of oneself and to improve on oneself, thats good. Then he must treat it like KPO-ing on 'other people' business. However, usually people would be triggered by their past and become depressed or even insane, unable to get over the regrets in life. Hmm, I wonder what will it be like if I struck amnesia...

Anyway, yepp, I must agree one have to not have regrets, treat it as a learning point. Just like trying to catch a beautiful scene in a bus, it would be hard to capture a perfect picture due to the random movement and jerks and tuns of the bus. Yet still, there will always be opportunity.

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