Friday, June 18, 2010

I had a greater feel now hearing the song, 掌聲響起, really a great emotional song especially when you feel not appreciated or in the case now, unsuccessful... in other words, failure. Used to hate the word 'FAIL' esp used by some people. Got used to that soon, now I think it's a great word haha. At least I know where I had done wrong. I think I'm being to smart for nothing. Planned so much: look for discounts, promotions, get friends (who volunteered there so could give discounts), tried to educate them... yet they are simply uninterested... they dont even open themselves for people to fascinate them. Sometimes it is really irritation, coz tours are a 2 way thing. The guide should be interested to guide them, and the visitor should be open to new things or facts. Most importantly, DONT ACT SMART, mai gei kiang! Not all humans are yellow, not all trees are green, not all animals are mammals, NOT ALL BIG CATS ARE TIGERS!!!! Sigh... cant blame them, they're old, cant walk, cant see in night, no interested in animals.... IM FKIN FAIL GUIDE, FKIN UNSUCCESSFUL PLANNER...

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