Friday, November 6, 2020

Freedom finally! After 2 weeks within 4 walls! 

Well, again another update. So my Dad is the Covid Positive Patient working as Security Officer at Changi Airport, receiving treatment at TTS now. As for recovery progress, it seems like it's not very good because of other Health Complications. And to make things worst, his pessimist mindset probably placed some placebo effects too. So I guess, we can only hope....... I mean, 50,000 recovery cases, I don't see why the big fuss is all about.

Luckily though his life routine is "Workplace-Coffeeshop-Home", unlike myself, I cant imagine the contact tracing if I am positive, the industry will shutdown hahahhas, too much at stake. 

So anyway, served my Quarantine Order at Hilton Garden Inn Little India, 23 Oct to 06 Nov, swab results Negative both on first day and last day of QO. 

Experience is boring. But coping way better than Circuit Breaker. Binge watching Netflix, Variety Shows, and MeWatch. Attended online day courses as it becomes more available. Grabfood is available so been ordering food every supper, thats the perks of being in rather heart of city. Service is great by Hotel. Welfare check everyday. Boring part is cant step out of room. Skin is getting dry due to aircon. But thus no need for any maintenance cuz no shaver no nail clippers no lighters no sharp objects. Other than zoom, no need for clothes too 

So then now that Im finally out, impulse splurge on myself. Booked One Farrer Skyline Suite for a night, and booked for Spa, Movies and a Scrumptious meal. Not the most wallet-friendly but I guess my mum deserves some luxury now and then la. 

Ofcoz, we talked about business too, about how the world is changing fast, AI taking over, and the importance of Transferable Skills and Personal Branding or Connections over Technical Skills and Traditional Career Progression Model. I am pretty sure that in the future where information is easily available online and precision or production is easily done by automation, bosses no longer are interested in investing on humans to deal with all the human factor but rather investing on a controllable predictable robot. So they would probably only hire people if their reputation is good. That means visionary skills, leadership skills, foresight skills. Or involvement in many many successful projects. 

Therefore I am truly grateful how this nation starts to shift the education framework to criterion based, a decade ago, gradually from tertiary to secondary and now to primary schools. While I personally do not believe in not having bell curve because I think that we should teach people how to fail, whats the feeling of being loser, instead of bubbling them, but I guess the negative consequences from pressure weights more than the nurturing of resilience. Oh well, there are other ways, enrichment, sports, etc. So back to the point, we are all working towards a holistic development future, where transferable skills are valued more than anything, problem solving and critical thinking, prepared us for AI industry. I am truly amazed.

Then is about some business acumen here and there. I was just thinking about inheriting the Lapis recipe for mum to do it myself because firstly is heritage, secondly, their reluctance to step out of comfort zone irritates me alot. I guess that is the reason Im probably the poorest pathethic indonesian chinese you know. My entire family has history of being cheated, of not innovating, of clinging on to hopeless matters, and all......... Cant blame them. Its fate, its generation, its trauma for them. And here I am, trying to make things work, but doesnt seem to go anywhere from here. I can only hope. But its tiring, trying to prove, but the result is not showing, and constantly, their simple-minded-brains are taking things too superficially and idealistically against their set of expired utopia. 

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