Sunday, May 15, 2011

Watched hit list today via mio tv. I think its a rather nice show, but dont really like the ending, the protagonist went back on his words and sort of betrayed his 'friend'.

Anyway, there was this crime watch on channel 5 also, and the murderer unintentionally killed the victim because the victim coerced him for money. The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment i think, not too sure about it, but if it is, dont you think it is sending the wrong message of not retaliating against people who wanted you dead? Just like detective conan, i think many criminals are forced to commit crimes initially, so they shouldnt be punished heavily on their firsts, if i were a criminal and was imprisoned when i did nothing wrong but to defend myself, i would hate the authorities more, and lean towards violence and defiance. Wouldnt it better to have counsellings, and monitoring, rather than to be maligned?

Sigh.. since it's close to midnight right now, there's this subtle sense of loneliness within me. Was listening to the song '恋爱症候群' (love syndrome), it's a song about the process before love, during love, after love, a ballet of a couples coming together and then breaking apart, but in the end, is the process of love that is beautiful, the part where we could offer love willingly and expect nothing more than able to hold each other dearly. Though I have many other ways to love, i feel so empty in the end of the day, despite being with millions of people, having fun with millions of people, doing all sorts of crazy things with millions of people. It's like a beard papa donut without the custard feeling, though I will retain my freshness such that the custard wouldnt make the bread soggy, but surely there would be slight envy witnessing many lovely moments of couples around me. Esp the younger generation, though they will not last, those sweet and childish moments are so cute so blissful so heartwarming, and also those couples that had both their hair greyed, and still they hugged together and the folk sent a kiss on her cheek. *melt*

For the first time, I felt old, its like all the people i know seemed to mature and grow up and probably engaged so rapidly, and Im still the same old me, same old available me. Oh, of course, I started to yearn to have 'flesh bolster' to hold on tight. Yes, I feel free and happy being single, afraid to be tied down by bgr, yet... yea, envy is luring me to the graveyard of 'sanity', since there's a old saying that love is the graveyard of sanity. Haha. Sigh. Nite folks~

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