Friday, April 1, 2011

Next week would be my last week at SCC already... gonna miss them, especially a group, more specifically a particular kid. He is really respectful to me. There is still goodness in him, that's for sure. Other than his anger management, he is teachable, he is awesome~!

Today I went back to walk him home. I noticed his goodness through trivial things like he would say sorry if he accidentally hit me too hard or similar to that while playing. He would not allow other kids to hurt me too. He would nudge me to a side to prevent me stepping on litter on the floor. He would talk to me about anything and everything, he rather trusts me. He would share with me his snacks and drinks, or in fact he insisted me to do so, he even initiated to treat me once when I told a lie to say I have no money. He is also honest to me, he would return everything he took to play or prank, there's a few times he returned me a 10 dollar note that I didn't realize he took, and even a 10 cent coin, and other random stuffs. Furthermore, I realized his eternal grudge against another kid is due to one incident where that other kid made his friend angry, this is really awesome~!

I think he is the only one I will really miss, but well at least can see him in Pop Excel. I just learnt that he is actually residing in a rented room with his sister, while his mother and grandparents live in another unit in that block. Sigh, if only I was still living in 735 or 554, I would invite him over instead...

As what I have always felt... 欲行善,钱必余...

Went back for BDS night study reluctantly, chatted with TanBB, found out that she kept thinking I hated her a lot, but it was actually the direct opposite... and also thanked Peter Tan for the sec 2 fun. I would say at least I have cleaned up the leftover debris and polished my impression plaque =)


给你我的全部 你是我今生唯一的赌注
只留下一段岁月 让我无怨无悔全心的付出
怕你忧伤 怕你哭 怕你孤单 怕你糊涂
红尘千山万里路 我可以朝朝暮暮

给你一条我的路 你是我一生不停的脚步
让我走出一片天空 让你尽情飞舞 放心的追逐
爱是漫长的旅途 梦有快乐 梦有痛苦
悲欢离合人间路 我可以缝缝补补

提着昨日种种千辛万苦 向明天换一些美满和幸福
爱你够不够多 对你够不够好 可以要求 不要不在乎
不愿让你看见 我的伤处 是曾经无悔的风雨无阻
拥有够不够多 梦得够不够好 可以追求 不认输

Unblocked by Wind and Rain (Emil Chau):

I'll give you my everything
You are my only stake in this life
I only have what's left of my life
So I'll give all my heart with no complaints and no regrets
I fear you'll be hurt,
I fear that you'll cry
I fear you'll be lonely,
I fear that you'll be confused
In the myriad of paths in this world
I can be your day and night

I'll give you me to be your road
And for all my life, you'll be the nonstop footsteps
Let me lead you to a patch of clear sky
And let you dance in the breeze, chasing it without worry
Love is an endless journey
Dreams have happiness, dreams have suffering
Joys and sorrows are a part of human life
But I can mend them for you

Carrying all kinds of hardships from yesterday
Exchange some of them with tomorrow's happiness
Do I love you enough? Am I good enough to you?
You can demand more of me, but you can't not care

I don't want you to see my wounds
From my past, when I had no regrets, unblocked by wind and rain
Do you have enough? Is your dream good enough?
You can chase them, don't give up

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