Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Well time passes really fast. The company just wrap up a huge mega event with 98 tours for 5 days consecutively, with only about 9 guides per day. Many of us have to do double tours. The HODs worked super hard, especially without a coordinator, there are many aspects of a tour to be looked at, such as preparation, service recovery, crisis management, situational awareness, crowd control and incident reports. 

I guess we gave the least problems for our client, such that they had nothing but praises for us. Most of the problems comes from the group dynamics of the individual teachers and students. Externally, it's an outing, and kids being kids, at ages 14-17 years old, their attention, attitude and excitement are all to be expected, so Social Distancing would be a big challenge. 

All in all, we manage to pull it off well by the end of the week. Cant ask for better team than this awesome one Im having. Its a platform to utilize our strengths, to discover our passion, to alleviate our flaws, and to forge great synergies. Ofcoz, post event there are many blindspots we need to look at. 

I remember the first day of event so many hiccups, and internally, moody guides too, that gives attitude more than alleviating the situation, that's mainly because preparation wasn't done well. As we work in HOD nucleus, I had absolutely no clue on other departments, so I leave it to the in-charge to deemed "all is well". Now that the event is over I guess we have to police the departments better to show evidence of work done. Checklists, briefings, and all must be done. And ofcoz another factor is where everything clumps into the few weeks, including being emcee for my friend's wedding, and tours, and everything else. 

That was the longest week. I fell ill. Maybe due to adrenaline all out, or dehydration, or simply smoking too much. (1 pack or more a day). But probably think twice for future big events like this, probably wouldnt want to be the coordinator, because though I can do it, it's not my forte, and definitely not my passion. 

But everything will be okay in the end, this too will pass. 

Oh speaking of that, brought my friends to tarot. For myself, nothing new for the tarot, all work related, in a nutshell "having stress and struggles now that may feel like giving up but hang on for the pot of gold at the end of the road, where people around me benefit from me and I dont have to spend too much effort in them". But for my friends, was eye opening, some surfacing feelings and thoughts lingering or bothering, some revealing deep things they dont share, some forseeing a future we predicted though the reader never met them. Quite cool, glad that kindda work out for them. 

After all the rage rooms and 5ams, all the walks, all the talks, Im glad it works. Guess through a heartbreak, u can never really fill the hole, but to distract, to find replacements, but there's always that hole. Friendship, Relationship, Kinship, these made us who we are, the presence, as well as the absence. That's just how life is. Tiring. But I guess everyone got their own paths. 

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