Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Flying off in 2h time,
this time to Jakarta to visit my Grandma.
Today is also a time where alot of my friends go into NS,
well, as usual got that "couldn't bear to leave" feeling.
They say NS might change people,
I certainly would not like people to change,
cuz the very person that you met at first,
is the very person you decided to call your "friend",
it's so scary to see them going in,
and the thoughts of that uncertainty how they would change.
Sigh, ofcoz this kindda situation,
the only song in mine is Jacky Cheung, "Zhu Fu".

Friend, I will bless you always,
I wish for my smiles to accompany you
through winter spring summer and fall.........
Hard is gooodbye,
but we have faith and hope,
of a reunion one day,
on a joyous day~

Past few days have been busy running here and there,
stretching my every hour.
Mainly I went to TLC outings,
met a great friend,
who seemed to join due to the very same reason as me,
seeking for adventure,
no friends up to it,
and yea, I really hope to one day we great friends with him!

朋友,   我永远祝福你

不要问   不要说   一切尽在不言中
这一刻   偎着烛光让我们静静的渡过
莫挥手   莫回头   当我唱起这首歌

愿心中   永远留着我的笑容

几许愁   几许忧   人生难免苦与痛
失去过   才能真正懂得去珍惜和拥有
情难舍   人难留   今朝一别各西东

愿心中  永远留着我的笑容

伤离别   离别虽然在眼前
说再见   再见不会太遥远

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