Saturday, November 3, 2012

A week just passed. Sigh, it was all great except the part where I was unable to attend the i-Secrets talk, about cyber crime and sexuality. As such, I shall email them for the recording and materials, as I think it is a critical issue. With the convenience of the world wide web and advancement of technology, there create alot of platforms for vulnerable, insecure and curious kids to access to porns and practice them to the extend school girls strip for their "boyfriends". And guys, being lustful and incapable of self control, tend to hoax preys into their entertainment source, especially with charms and abs.

As an article states,
In particular the change in values wrought by the Internet. Underage prostitution, online pimping, teacher-student affairs, schoolgirls filming themselves in the nude, etc are on the rise!

Really, to do private stuffs alone is acceptable, but to degrade girls into such acts is really inhumane. I tend to lean into this belief, but the society I see now would pull me into believing they brought the trouble upon themselves. Sigh. Many western influenced teens are behaving like sluts and whores.

Speaking of that, I went to the Comedy Asia : Kings & Queens 3, and one of the epic joke was that he like "horfun" in geylang. So I was like, "really? geylang not well known for durian meh?", then he explained, there are "whores" and its really "fun"......... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Another issue I want to raise is to decriminalize suicide attempts.

The psychology behind these irrational acts are probably due to pressure and insecurities. Especially with media and current social trends, vulnerable teens would be more at risk of attempting suicide based on the monkey-see-monkey-do logic. As such it is not wise to criminalize attempted suicide because it denies the chance for them to have a second chance after their rash decisions. Though by making suicide a crime might scare certain people from attempting, I believe teens in that situation would not even think of surviving the suicide attempt. Thus at that state, they would not be thinking anymore. On one sociology video on suicide, statistics have shown that almost all the survivors of attempted suicide regretted their decision the moment they jump. Rather, there should be more social workers helping these lost sheeps. Many of these victims are pressured by society and felt that they have been a disappointment  As such they forgot the ties they have to the people around them, all the emotions and memories, and even the impact, that a large percentage of people that witness their loved ones suicide would choose to suicide as well. Therefore, the society must learn to be sensitive to people at risk.

Speaking of that, society should learn how to be tactful as well. Teens nowadays are a bunch of arrogant cunts who always act tough and big, only to shrink like a timid mouse when the real tigers come. Their conversation are full of foul words and attitudes that provokes anger and power play. They are quick to scold people stupid and dumb as if they are Einsteins. Also, the kind of attitude that initially "begs" people for companion, then diss them with phrases like "then dont go lorh", as if they are independent and do not need social companions, dumb people really.

Lastly, I would like to speak about an elderly couple whom I spent a day with in my next post soon. 

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