Hmm, sometimes, I feel that the few most powerful things in life are always double-edged. For example, knowledge. The reason of knowledge, of having knowledge, is to so that we know more about the world and the diversities around us, but there will always be people who use these knowledge to ruin the world. Another example is water. As a chinese saying, 水能载舟亦能覆舟, as much as water have the capability to float the boat, it can be the one who sink it as well.
Similarly, this is what happens, some person has been joining us and having fun for the past few church activities, and this person, I personally felt, has just began to open up to us and mingle with us. However, since this person would now have 4 cells, my own cell leader suggests that the person should just stick to one and sink the roots.
As such, I dont know, I really feel bad, I feel... cynical, doubtful.
Seriously, the very thing that had pulled people together, for a good cause, as ants sticking together to brace through floods and storms on the banyan leave, is the reason why some people will feel awkward together, the reason of a hindrance to social interaction, as we can see from another church where since i was "new", there are 2 cells in a tug of war of me. Either way told them I was just a visitor.
Sigh. So yea, I really feel the song: power of your name, as it shouts,
I will live
To carry Your compassion
To love a world that's broken
To be Your hands and feet
I will give
With the life that I've been given
And go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of Your name
I saw some powerful changes in the lives of people by joining the xtianity movement, I saw powerful bonds forged like a piece of armor that could withstand the spears of a thousand armies. I saw hope of humanity, for it's able to harness up and save those clinging on the tip of the cliff with an index finger.
So why? why? why just because a member is from other church, or from other cell, or from somewhere else, to be restricted to join church activities, we are after all, one human race, serving the kingdom of heaven, not the church, we grow, through own relationship and connection with God, that cells are merely to help those without community to mingle around and have support as they grow, but the ones capable of having multiple cells shouldnt be restricted to have just one, for no one has decreed that an army of God, just like standard army, cannot join other platoons, we have a common goal, why choose to reach it own your own?
Pure dumb, pure ridicule. Who in the world knows best what the voice ask that armyboy to do? to go? Who decides the future? And if we were not meant to know, why make it awkward, treat every brothers and sisters well, for on this journey, you wont even know if there are Judases lurking around, for on this journey, we shall reach it hand in hand, why the need to "label" ourselves? through possessing identity, it builds walls around us, to be no longer reach out to lost lambs and helping them. As such, these poor people, will belong to nowhere, and unable to fully maximize the potential. Please larh, 20 or 30 years, in midst, I believe all cells, would have movement of cell members and faith.
We should really...... after all..... look beyond religion
Friday, December 30, 2011
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