Sunday, October 10, 2010

It's 10/10/10 today =)
Today went samy class, did a full compo on the title 'write a story o witnessing a act of kindness that changed your view of life', I wrote the boy picking up seashells story, just elaborate it and add dramatic feelings into it. =) Remember, you can make a difference =)

Was talking about this with johann just now. Had i made an impact on people? I'm not sure, samy once said i'm a loner, coz i have no fixed group, much like angus regarding himself as jumper except i dont jump, just being a hermit =) This is probably one of the reason i dont want to be a teacher, cuz it's not really rewarding =) I taught many people in different subject before, all i ever received was ungrateful attitude. Well, few which, even though they dont mean it, really shatters me are: 'I'm not surprised if kaya teach wrong', '(after an accident) I'm not learning anymore!', why? They not only did not improve, but gave up! Sigh, that's why I'm really grateful I got to know samy, he really rocks! He is very motivating, inspiring, dedicated. I think without him I would have gave up on english and life already. Thus im now sending motivational sms to people, hoping it will make an impact on them, no matter how great or small, at least i could help. Just hoping I can help.... Sigh...

quoted from weiliang koh:
Food for thought: At this moment, when you think about what kind of life would you, your loved ones and friends would be leading for the next 10 yrs, does it sound meaningful or exciting to you? perhaps it's a good time to think about it on this special sunday:) Happy 101010 ppl! ♥

Sounds interesting, yet I have no concrete goals or dreams or passion... Perhaps, I would just have minor ones, I would like to:

-have a goal, dream, purpose in life
-improve my piano
-improve my sjg
-improve my singing, learn a song of different languages (currently have 6)
-take on something interesting
-get a suitable course
-be more optimistic
-able to make an impact to more people
-able to bring happiness to people
-more friends but more bonds between wushu people and family

=) wow thats alot... haha, wow thats 10~!.. haha, but some have sub parts haha

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