Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lots of things happened today

first, about housing, why must people be so willing to pay interest just to pay in installments? why dont they want to remain in parents' house until they saved enough? if not, why isnt there any kind soul to buy the house under the name?

example, person a help person b buy a house, person b lives in it, person a doesnt need to care for the house, might collect little rental but much much smaller than interest of bank (for the amount of years b thinks he could save up the money), after some time person b got enough money to buy from person a. 


if person a decided to sell due to the increase of housing price, he profit, person b got nothing to lose, furthermore person a had receieved additional income from rental

if person b doesnt want to buy that house, the house is most probably furnised and decorated well, both got nothing to lose, the house coud be rented or sold away again, person a had additional income from rental

anyway person a must be someone close, also can increase relative relationship....

another thing, about my third uncle, when he was just a teen, 初出茅庐, young and unexperienced, he wanted to lend $ from his 4th uncle, but was rejected COMPLETELY (NOT A CENT), now the 4th uncle had to rely on him on EVERYTHING (living cost, medical bill.. etc), with an unfilial son mia for decades, a unstable daughter with mental health problem, and one somewhat luckier daughter with a good daughter that was well off after marriage. 3rd uncle was benovelence, from my angle, i would turn a cold shoulder, thiat s e no matter the plight the other party was in, i treat them good at first, if they take it for granted, i will cut all connections with them.

tomorrow is the day one of a relative is gonna be cremated, grandma told my dad no need to fetch her, which was a big mistake coz of all, respect is VERY CRUCIAL, mum did not object grandma's opinion too, dad was obviously pissed... 

well green garden (my house) is now cleaned, remember, anyone wanna rent plz contact me... good enviornment, did my tuition homeworks while listening to the majestic music blasted from my neighbour, of bee gees and or chinese classics... was rather relaxing..

in my previous post forgot to mention one touching incident weide did for me, must thank him for that, he submitted my name to a temple, said to help recite the scriptures a certan number of times after a year, though we both forgot in the end, was realy touched and thankful, all i ever did to him was to submit his name for a anagram poem in china for 5 yuan, which turned out wet and wrong nae written, im such a failure....

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