So last night was Emonightsg, a punk rock event with a constant mosh pit for the entertainment of the niche genre of music. This is the first time I stepped into their new venue at Hard Rock Cafe. I'm definitely a poser there, but I just enjoy the beats and the mosh. The community is awesome, we push and push with all our might, we fly, we fall, but there's always the community to push us back up! It was sooooo tiring! Went home physically and mentally drained, get I could not fall asleep. Took to writing, but ended up writing in Chinese instead. Woke up impressed at myself. hahahs! #thickskin
The blinking of the stars made it seems like sighing.
The blinking of the stars made it seems like sighing.
The "stars" is the side of the obvious, something everyone can see clearly.
And it's always there, like people around me, friends.
This 2 lines are inspired by the song "暗示".
Sigh at the sight of a futile chase after the movement of the wind.
In contrast, the wind is irregular, its random, its subtle.
And every little movement is little, and it doesn't lead me anywhere. False Alarms.
Though the eyelids are heavy, but I couldnt fall asleep,
Gotta hear me lamenting that if Heaven knows about relationship, Heaven ages quickly.
The last line is inspired by "逍遥游" where it talks about Martial Pulgilistic world,
Where heaven is defined as "lawful" and "clear cut" but most wanderers have the excuse of
Getting the freedom to roam the earth with their swords, having "nothing lasts forever" attitude.
Just as how I always find the excuse of having every other aspects of my life doing great.
This acts as a segue to the next verse.
Many things in life in this modern world is fleeting.
Why pour out all your feelings but rather, spread it to multiple "tries"?
These lines are inspired by the song "暧昧".
Contrast with the olden days Martial Pugilistic World,
Yet certain things makes more sense now,
In different context and applications.What is blocking me?
In the sea of people, yet I chose to climb the trees, expecting for fishes.
See the consistency of "Sea" and "Fish"? Hahahahs so proud. Hehehe.
I guess its not just methodology, but intention and mind frame, needs to change.
At the end of the day, I find solace in the warmth of the blanket.
This line conveys the yearning for more yet comfortable to settle.
It's an oxymoron kind of surrendering to the status quo.