The survey states "Keep Singapore Going", not "important roles in Covid situation", with 1000 respondents, I think this is a poor sample pool.
Artist is perhaps what keeps my sanity, and all the entertainment Im glad I have to pass time, it's an evergreen industry when AI could not replace just yet. HR, BD, Social Media, are part of Industry 4.0, when Human Capital is key for progress.
And these "essentials" they pre-determined by asking the questions "cleaners and security guards" ironically may face serious threat of Automation may be obsolete. Top 5 essential Hawker and Deliveryman, but I do hear about complains about surcharge of delivery fees and making hawker not affordable etc (yet on fine dining they bother to spend worhh)
Ask if "triple salary" would you take on the job, what is this trying to show? that we should all revert to 30 years ago manual labour keeps us busy? Appreciation is one thing, helping towards vertical mobility is another. Half of this pool of respondents are rather money minded, only do jobs if highly paid, where does this "high salary" come from then? Who's paying?
And really, is there a necessity to rank? We are all but spokes in a wheel, it's just the matter of in which one moment in time, some seems more important to YOU, but that doesnt mean it is not important to "Keep Singapore Going" as stated in title of survey. It's collaboration, not competition.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Unpopular Opinion,
But here goes anyway.
So I was eating at my kitchen when the bird flew in to forage for food.
Then for some reason, all the flashbacks of "optimistic" news of
Flora and Fauna all thriving and all...... then my cynical mind starts to doubt.
Why do the birds flew in?
Why are they hungry?
Could it because the hawkers are desserted now that they couldnt find enough food now?
Could it because of the heat of the day they look for shelter?
So unlike Singapore, many countries have zoos that are constructed for profits,
They rely on visitors to feed the animals.
And there were many cases of zoos having a problem with Animals famine.
Good thing is, some may escape from captivity,
Bad thing is, the eco-balance is disrupted
and they are domesticated to not survive in the wild.
Fruits, this is the period when the wild flowers blooms again,
But what about the tons of fruits and vegetables made to matured and ripe,
But left to wither when demands decreased?
And the farmers who depend on demands for their livelihood,
Only to get "failed" investment on their yields?
The more I think about the global impact,
The more I silently wept, the more bleak the future gets........
Then again, I have not done a scientific research on the negative impact on Covid,
so these may just be my myopic, naive, deductions, but somehow I dont want to go into this,
For I fear that the devastating results may kill me more........
Cling on Netflix, cling on food,
Is my way of being an escapist.........
Posted by
6/04/2020 06:30:00 PM