After clapping mosquitos for the past few days,
Went to a few events, and one of the more worthy updates,
Was the Ted Circle I just attended.
Great turn up of people from diff age, disciplines and nationalities.
The theme was "Future".
Topics Discussed :
Our Blindspots and how to Overcome?
Interesting opening topic. It gives us a lot of scope to tackle this theme. A lot of discussion centers on the inability to see what was unimaginable, some kind of disruption in social, medical or economical aspect, or even political. My thoughts, well, that's the reason why we develop tools or frameworks to think about the future seriously.
Importance of Foresight
Yes there are uncertainties, etc, but foresight in my opinion, prepares us the complexity in problem solving, the creativity in critical thinking, and better prepare us from the changes that may come. A part of foresight is also hindsight, where we look back in retrospect to look back into olden days principles, way of life, purpose, etc etc, such that we may uncover some old wisdom we may have overlooked.
Dystopian Scenarios
Some organisations, some scholars, do look into scenario based roleplays, looking into different scenarios, some more realistic, some stretch a variable to the extreme, to see the complications and possibilities. That is the reason why sometimes when things happen, the "solution" magically seems so reachable, because someone probably had thought of that before. In SG for instance, have avenues such as Centre of Strategic Future, to look into this. In fact they have recently published a Industrial Revolution 4.0 discussion.
Legacy (how, why, what happened)
In the olden days, people talk about legacy, inheritance, empires, etc etc, these things seems to slowly fade away. Why? I guess in my opinion, economically, the bigger players are extinguishing the flames of the youths, and created a world where legacies are unreachable, and things are getting more and more ephemeral.
Plastics (positive and negative)
Other than the negative aspects on environmental care and etc, is also interesting to think on the perspective of Time Capsule, as these are perhaps the only things that would last till generations to come, and what written documentation can we have on these?
Oral Written Visual Traditions
From the past, we have cave paintings, oral traditions and stories, and some form of documentation. What would be the next form of documentation? Are data stored virtually everlasting? Will it be complete?
Future Intelligence (make sense of clues)
As we consider a lot on proper documentation of things, should we also give credit to the intelligence of the future generations to be able to make sense and decipher what ever we leave behind? They probably and piece together the picture if we leave enough clues and enough alternate cross referencing materials.
Automation to Inequality and Purpose
Automation replacing manual labour and etc is frequently talked about. How did Automation contribute to inequality, and how does it play apart in Globalization? And with jobs closely tied to the purpose of happiness or existence whatsoever, will automation redefine us? Do people fear automation due to the fear of becoming useless? Is there a possibility that we displace enough people to become useless? What is our actions and attitude then? Does blind rejection of automation and prevention of progress solves this?
Does Capitalism frees up time for pursuit? Or rejection of technology let us inwardly happy?
It's an oxymoron, that when technology makes things more efficient, and frees up our time, we tend to have lesser time, as we are always looking for other things to do to fill in that time, we are constantly searching for purpose, to fill the need of Novelty, Relation, Autonomy, Competency, and inversely causes Anxiety instead. It may be an endless pursuit in the end, if you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. Some people instead, reject technology, be secluded and look inwardly into meditation, into self searching, into detachment. This works to some, but not the entire society, for it is the capitalistic society we live in doesnt allow us to. And if we do, are we progressing or regressing? But in the end, is society always Capitalistic or are we ready to give up something, to sacrifice something, to make a revolutionary change?
Are we giving enough chances for our youths?
I will leave this thought to you...............
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Sunday, January 19, 2020
First ICT over!
Well, it was a good 2 weeks break.
1 day before ICT met up with Kun and he mentioned about ICT being very easy. We just gotta drive up the terrain, open up slope, and unload the troopers for fire movement, then we could sit inside vehicle. The only tough part would be to wash vehicle.
But ours its entirely different! Due to the change in safety directives, we support coy would have a simulation full troop instead of an actual one. And because our PRV drivers have not went through the simulation and refresher (though we drive PRV like every day using our active days), we cant drive. We we became PRV bellboys, open and close door for the troopers. HAHAS!
Most of the time there was nothing to do, so caught up with a lot of my readings, and decided to enroll in Harvard Online Module on Religious Literacy, completed a module, then bought their premium pass to earn a certification later. The module is really eye opening and their sources for discussion are really really really good!
So for the 2 weeks there was nothing work related, which is great, only the constant calls and whatsapp from people so just dont bother to read on our website about the FAQ -.- And a few impatient people. Well, anyway, these will all be "none of my business" soon as I step down from admin roles.
Other than that, no one bothered asking me out too, people just assume I'm uncontactable or something. One of those times where I felt "maybe surrounded by, a million people I, still feel all alone". Oh! Except for one persistent ghost! Hahahas but really glad he does make the effort to check hows things, and still asks. Intention, effort, is what I admire most la.
In the TG Resource chat, I'm really glad I set this up, information shared is really really solid, every questions were answered, maybe expertise inside.
Talked to the ICT people, they are all way senior than us, already halfway to MR. Well, a lot of them came to the general conclusion that I am being too nice; that at work people took advantage of me to stand new branding with cheap labour, built them up for other people, then start other projects; with friends, I seem to be the happy times guy and easily activated so their prioritise others and last min find me; at home, parents will never understand my personality cuz in their times its a grit-teeth kind of competition and vigilance.
Well, a good break a good "meditation" where i can think of nothing at all, literally "empty your mind" kind of feeling. a good evaluation of life, and ready for 2020 once again.
Posted by
1/19/2020 11:08:00 AM
Friday, January 10, 2020
Hmm, 10 days into 2020.
I couldnt take it anymore.
Due to reservist, my income is greatly affected.
With that my bills are piling up, my premiums are pilling up.
My expenses couldnt be cut.
And I think back again.
I can no longer be a BD.
I can no longer do status quo.
My survival, my passion is after all still guiding.
I was promised a stake,
I was promised a fix,
but it was all but plain words,
and this time it's time for me to make plans for my future,
make plans for my survival,
make plans for the happiness of myself.
Posted by
1/10/2020 09:02:00 PM
Sunday, January 5, 2020
It's 2020!
Well, not gonna post long long thankyou notes for people etc etc,
at least not 2019. I guess all of you know each and everyone is precious to me.
But things change, don't they?
Looking back at some FB-triggered memories,
Where I am secretly hoping to build a family in workplace,
to always have a dedicated day of celebration for the team,
but not this year, as it just seems so different.
Well, instead, on a brighter note,
So in workplace we had 2 chats,
One used for stats back in those days, one titled "Rants and Resources"
So I thought to include freelancers on one,
But the team is too literal,
Somehow thinking that all TG come together will only rant,
OMG how shallow......
So come to the point,
Do I really need this company to be able to nurture a
Bunch of new-gen TG that look out for each other and shares knowledge?
Not really, so instead, I spearheaded a TG Resource Chat.
This way, I am not alone too, I have many veterans inside to help nurture the industry.
This is perhaps closer to my ideal.
In this couple of days, valuable resources are shared.
Due to the massive numbers I set boundaries too,
and yea towards a better 2020!
This is the 5th day of 2020,
I feel major changes happening.
Catch up with a lot of people before going into reservist later,
But it has come to the point I prolly need to think harder on my future.
Because people change,
So do priorities change,
And expectation is piling,
And deliverance is failing,
Promises are clouding,
Hope is fading,
Empathy is declining,
And I am finally stopping......
So towards the half of the year, it would probably be the end of this chapter.........
Posted by
1/05/2020 05:42:00 PM