Basically farming was a tedious job in that time. So the owner of a vineyard hired a group of ppl, he said "I will pay you one denarius for a day of work". Calculating the economic situation, that was indeed generous enough. So then as the day go by he hired more and more groups of ppl, but subsequently, he said to them, "work for my vineyard and I will pay you what is right".
So then the time comes when they receive their wages, the earliest group was shocked that last group who worked for merely an hour gets one denarius, equal to them. They were angry about it. The owner said, "are you envy of my generosity?"
The problem was not that they were paid less but the attitude and envy that others were paid more by grace.The problem lies when we actually compare. Actually my internship is bearable, just that as I compare to the other departments, or other internships company, I felt unfair, I felt worst off, but hat doesnt mean it is not what I deserve.Comparison is bad. Whether u compare with the better or the worst, you are either saddened or proud, both are not good, encourages envy, wrath, selfishness, pride, arrogance and oppression.
Towards othersDont be Competitive.
Towards yourselvesDont be Conceited.
We are designed in such a way that it is hard to kick our part and hard to pat our backs, because that was meant for others to do for u. Today, I am so much more motivated.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
A friend told me that actually i should not be affected by my parents views and remarks too much, since it's all just the matter of perspective, of what is of worth. Since I've been doing it, just carry on, YOLO, no second thoughts....... he commented that I am one of the influence in life, makes me feel so great! more valued, more dignified, more motivated in life.......
Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls....
Still....... Rejoice~~
Posted by
10/26/2013 01:31:00 AM
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Ooh, each morning I get up I die a little
Can barely stand on my feet (Take a look at yourself) Take a look in the mirror and cry (and cry) Lord what you're doing to me (yeah yeah) I have spent all my years in believing you But I just can't get no relief, Lord! Somebody (somebody) ooh somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love ?
Yesterday I met with a great friend of mine. He helped me greatly during O levels, and even in my poly years. I had never walked away from him learning nothing new. So he commented I was awesome. That moment, I was really in cloud nine.
Anyway today, it was my off day, so as usual I called up a few friends for a feast. Then now I thought back, sometimes, seriously, why do I always have this mindset to always spend unnecessary. Maybe a part of me wouldn't mind to literally "buy" a companion for a day. But to think of it, chocolates, $110 worth of chocolates for people who I either dont mean often, or probably wont see me through another 10 years, is it worth it? I mean part of the reason was that I like to have huge feasts, cuz I seldom have that, and part of it was because I want to taste as many types of gourmet as possible.
But come to think of it, I do enjoy sitting at a bar with a live band playing some good tunes, or just some peace by the beach, or stare at the stars at rooftops. Then, it became rather irritating with the label "gay", like I know at times I may be particular about things such as cleanliness of table, or that my language of love as touch dominance, but then seriously, is it that bad? What if I am really one? What stereotypes were actually false? How would a real one behave? How different would their lifestyle be? Gays are socially constructed, may I should really find out more about this "culture".... Hmm... curious....
The reason why Im not into romance, is that I really find all those lame and meaningless, what is marriage more than compatibility, willingness to walk down the path of life, and for continuity? A part of life, which some may not even take it. I mean if I had to deal with the stress of raising a good kid, might as well adopt and nurture one than to take the risk of creating one bad kid right. All the romance and theories and act, it's jsut a matter of emotions that drives the world, and choices, sacrifices, and time, you just gotta juggle your time well, and when u cant, just sacrifice some thoughts to do some great acts and ta-da hollywood romance.
I dont have a charming look, neither I have much talents in anything, and rather lazy, and dont seem to get along with ppl well, and most ppl I close with lasts a year before I or they simply moved on, all in all P.J is still right, Im just that happy time guy, I find that Im easy moved and touched by simple acts of kindness for me, what if they are pretentious? Am I that naive? Seriously, I am sick of tired of chasing for some long lasting friendship or relationship, I rather have children that I could teach and nurture, at least more worth it, but then again as they grow up we will just be rather distant again. Human relationship is just so absurd, pointless, ridiculous. Perhaps Gulliver is a wise man, being a misanthrope.
In God we trust, in human we distant......... hahas words of a misanthrope......
Posted by
10/24/2013 10:50:00 PM
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Watched the episode of "On the Red Dot", the episode on Kids Extraordinaire.
I came across those kids. I think they're really really blessed to be a blessing.
Jiajia and Bigbro has really really good heart doing all the volunteering work. They were exposed to volunteerism at a young age and are willing to sacrifice their time to make a difference in the lives of others.
Then it's Miguel Antonio! Yepp the one I came across at Beerfest and Timbre.
Gerald Tan is amazing, calling the shots on Ge Tai management. Wow!
Lim Ding Wen is another amazing kid! He started computer at 2, and released iphone app at 9, mastering languages such as Java and Pascal, it's really amazing! Creme de la creme, he even surpassed his father in app making.
Lastly, it's M. Ritwan, it's really amazing how he can brace through all the speech and mobile impairments, and could now live almost in a normal state. Seeing his situation seriously made me feel that we are all so weak in the world. How I really wish to actually help people like him in the future.
Anyway, yea for all these cases, family support is so important. It is their parents who had taught them great values from young, esp for Jiajia Bigbro, and instill their gracious heart and groom them to be a blessing in life. How I wish my parents were more of such heroes, than doing nothing much for the past 10 years, being rather stingy on everything and seriously putting selves first then others. Sigh. But then again, compared to other problematic family, guess I'm lucky enough. My next generation will be better! I will aim to raise superkids, that are superheroes of the ordinary lives, who could all find joy and purpose in helping, find the passion of life. The mroe I feel so useless stuck int he internship rather than doing some volunteering work in my community. Sigh.
How I also wish that people around me are as awesome as these kids, to make themselves more useful to do all these community work, to bring joy to people, to be less troubled by lame and trivial things in life, to really make a difference in Singapore.
Sigh. but then again, teens are teens, these kindda thing must really start young. And also parents are parents, volunteerism is often seen as wasting resources, good for nothing kindda work. Sigh. I hope that I could groom the next batch to wushu kids to be volunteerism oriented, values-loaded, vantage thinkers, veteran martial artist. Ambitious indeed......
Posted by
10/22/2013 12:20:00 AM
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Right now situation is that I am always careless, either that or situation is new and I have no experience in handling, and out of own initiative I tend to make mistakes.
As much as company ppl are disappointed And angry and keep scolding, I just apologize again and again hiding my emotions.
Bottling up the anger n frustration causes harm to my mood and ppl around me esp at home. It is not healthy. Violence building up, I have no idea when is my limit.
Maybe just dont have potential here, I am just not suited, it's misallocation of resources. Not that I'm not trying it that they are incapable but it's just not my thing. Fruitless persistent is in vain, a stupid wooden log can't lay eggs, what is the point? No one at fault, is just no fengshui....
This goes on I doubt I get a good appraisal anyway, should I persevere on or just give up? Might prevent further damages to company anyway. I'm coming from a remorse, guilty, hedonist point of view instead of complains and anger towards company, so company is not at fault.
Grateful that I have great friends to keep encouraging me, tearing for the push they kept giving me. Few times was so overwhelmed with appreciation for some colleagues. Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. This is working life... How am I gonna survive on? In the future???
Posted by
10/20/2013 01:26:00 AM
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
It's exactly 1 and a half months left of my intern.
However, I really have no idea how much longer I can take it.
I mean, if you look at the physical side of it, actually it is nothing. I mean if you are numb enough to all the mental pressure, it's nothing. But seriously, working everyday, knowing that no one appreciates you, and the job means nothing to me except more a paper cert, and it's not meaningful at all, doesnt make a difference on earth, what for??? Is all there worth it?
Here I am, trying to tend to every customer needs, and I get comments like "Customer do not like", and that one incident (which apparently not my customer), caused the supervisor to think I have a bad attitude, and commented that I should serve more with heart and not to get rid of phone calls. Then, being solo in Ecom, need to clear emails, I know I am slow, but I'm working on it, and then complain I take too little phone calls. Then, ask qn, they would say I kept asking, no ask question, they say why I no initiative to ask.
Then, everything I do, though a lot of new cases which I get the privilege to see how the company handles all different types of situation, I am also wrong. I mean, lots of case for me is new. As much as I love the gaining knowledge part, at least give some appreciation?
I am halfway there, it will seriously be "Ban Tu Er Fei", literally. Yet, still, if I walked till the end, only to get lousy remarks and appraisal, how is that worth my time? When i can always do much more meaningful stuffs.
I didnt get as bad as my friend though. But seriously, I think I seriously do not suit this environment. I cant multi ask, I am clumsy, I am slow. Sigh. Then all in all I gotta suck thumb and absorb all the indirect sarcasm and seeing so many ppl "disappointed" in me. Sigh.
And if you wanna compare, I think I perform better than my colleagues? At least more emails sent out, more phone calls handled, but its forever seems like they are against me. Am I really that bad? Where should I belong? The thugs? The mugs? The murderer? Gosh, if this is the future world, I seriously rather be dead. Where is humanity? Where is compassion? Where is understanding? And unique purposes?
I guess I shall discuss this with my parents. Perhaps it's really not worthwhile to put up with all these shit. I mean, I can always look at the bright side, cuz endure all the way, be robots, be dumb ppl, be dogs, but why should I forgo my ego, my dignity, my freedom of speech, for something that should not put a thumb on me, should not affect my life, should not give in to?
I got so much more more meaningful things to do in life, or at least still searching for it, why must I be stuck here, waste my time on it?
Posted by
10/15/2013 09:21:00 PM
Friday, October 4, 2013
Just as I was moaning and dying pushing the punctured bike from Chung Cheng to Katong, he pushed it all the way to my house. OMGosh, seriously touched by someone that did sooooo much for something could be sooooo trivial to me! Instead of waiting for a lorry or van, we actually did it carry it back home. Seriously raged at whoever who sabotaged by bike a second time as I fixed it before locking it at Katong. Yet, as everything has a positive and negative, I gained a really really awesome friend. Yet to this person, I was never close into his life, he seemed struggling with some sort of friendship problem, but I felt so useless that I am unable to break into it despite all the psychology background.
Posted by
10/04/2013 11:54:00 PM