Today's topic, is amnesia good or bad?
In a way, we could look at it this way, it is a way to start afresh for your life. But is this possible? Is it as easy as said? What if you had did lots of harmful things or such, it would be really frustrating and painful to deal with 'things you did not knew you had done'. In terms of friends and love, you would have to start all over again to gauge their sincerity and explore their personality and true colors. In terms of career, you would have to start again from almost zero, relying completely on sub conscious mind to take care of things.
Then, is it better to recall the past or not?
I think that depend very much on the extend the victim could handle things. If by knowing his past is to better understand the past of oneself and to improve on oneself, thats good. Then he must treat it like KPO-ing on 'other people' business. However, usually people would be triggered by their past and become depressed or even insane, unable to get over the regrets in life. Hmm, I wonder what will it be like if I struck amnesia...
Anyway, yepp, I must agree one have to not have regrets, treat it as a learning point. Just like trying to catch a beautiful scene in a bus, it would be hard to capture a perfect picture due to the random movement and jerks and tuns of the bus. Yet still, there will always be opportunity.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
I had a greater feel now hearing the song, 掌聲響起, really a great emotional song especially when you feel not appreciated or in the case now, unsuccessful... in other words, failure. Used to hate the word 'FAIL' esp used by some people. Got used to that soon, now I think it's a great word haha. At least I know where I had done wrong. I think I'm being to smart for nothing. Planned so much: look for discounts, promotions, get friends (who volunteered there so could give discounts), tried to educate them... yet they are simply uninterested... they dont even open themselves for people to fascinate them. Sometimes it is really irritation, coz tours are a 2 way thing. The guide should be interested to guide them, and the visitor should be open to new things or facts. Most importantly, DONT ACT SMART, mai gei kiang! Not all humans are yellow, not all trees are green, not all animals are mammals, NOT ALL BIG CATS ARE TIGERS!!!! Sigh... cant blame them, they're old, cant walk, cant see in night, no interested in animals.... IM FKIN FAIL GUIDE, FKIN UNSUCCESSFUL PLANNER...
Posted by
6/18/2010 11:15:00 PM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Watched Pursuit of Happiness, draggy but great show, another example of life will find a way. Chris was almost zero, yet he managed to pick himself up and get back in the race to happiness.
Anyway, few topics on my mind now.
First of all is the link between maths and music. Yepp besides that both are similar in terms of the beginning letter 'm', there is definitely some forms of structure in it. Especially canon in d, almost all, if not all, of the songs will include a section of the canon. Also, lots of songs could bee linked with 4 chords, as showed in many youtube videos. Furthermore, there are djs out there like the united states of pop 2009, where he mashed up 25 songs that i dont really like into a song that someone made me change the impression of modern music. There are songs too that can link here and there without sounding too off. So having said that, isnt there some kind of structure in it? And one thing which have structure and forms and laws is maths.
So than I think about horoscopes and personality types. I suspect that there is also a structure in life. Somehow, there are people who are similar in terms of appearance, behavior, thoughts, even destiny or fate. This might explains how olden days people could study the skies to predict the future, or fortune teller exposing your future almost accurately. It might differ because of prevention measures, unexpected situations, karma, milestone of life, simply summarized by 'clash of free will of 2 or more parties'. So somehow, there must be a truth in origin of life, in forms and structure and laws of life, as well as music.
Blink - The power of thinking without thinking
It's an awesome theory. Ever temped to do a different question in exam yet your brain tells you not to? And ended up a couple of grades different if you had not listened to your brain? Ever wondered why it takes 10 year to find out that a person is a jerk yet 10 seconds to obtain a sense of disgust at the first glance? Not all people do, though, but blink is really an awesome theory, backed by Freud's theories.
How to determine whether you choice is wrong?
There isnt an answer to this actually, everything will have its consequences, and the choice was yours. Often heard about people ranting that they are stupid or whatsoever because they have made a 'wrong choice'? What makes them think they're wrong? Yes for the moment it might seem wrong, so what? There will still be gain no matter how 'wrong' is it.
Posted by
6/12/2010 08:55:00 PM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Life will find a way...
This was quoted from an old movie, Jurrasic Park, I think free will of human are strong. Regardless the situation, there is a chinese saying, 天无绝人之路,山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村, where there will always be a way to every problem. Somehow the world seems to be a better place with different views and problems and social status. As learnt in Gulliver's Travels, there is no perfect utopia, everything had it's balance, just as taoist believed.
Free will is strong, the power of it could propel a person into doing extraordinary tings you can never imagine. Miracles, for example, contains free will too. The willpower so great that something unexplainable happen. There are of course many people who could do that, not criticizing any religion, however prayers contains willpower.
Then again, people are so blinded by what the society is doing, or perceived 'laws of life', that they are like bats blindly following the echos of society. As such, parents are always wishing their children to succeeds in life according to their perception.
Yes, though parents take their children successes and failures personally as they live vicariously through children, therefore they had lived to see us surpass them in all aspects, thus will feel 'succeeded' when we succeed. But life will find a way, and own ways, thus sometimes, 2 ways of 2 beings will clash.
Yet I strongly disagree where being rich and wealthy is success. Success is rather to be a fulfillment of spiritual needs. this could range from saving enough money for around the world in 80 days trip or to teach a student well as a teacher. As long as there is a sense of achievement in the area you had put in a lot of effort, you are successful.
Then I suddenly thing of Harry Porter where they coul take out and insert memories to you brain. Sometimes i hope to be able to do that. I am rather scared that the level of 'enlightenment' I have so far will one day erode away with my greed of probably money. Since Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that self-actualization is the highest level of needs, with basic needs (bought-able by money only) as its very base, once I had no parents as the pillars of the basic needs, how will I change as a person, behavior, mindset, psychology, philosophy? A metamorphosis change might be possible. I could just become as greedy as blinded as foolish as everyone else in the world.... as far as I know, I could be the 180 degree of it, a complete misanthrope. Today lit they were arguing how Suno ( A character who abandoned education upon witnessing a loving couple) is self-centered and condemning him. Yet I feel like he is justified to make his choice and find that I'm on verge on becoming him....
Posted by
6/09/2010 09:47:00 PM
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
today had lit lesson, learned the scholar and gypsy by anita desai.
I think desai's stories are brilliant, all revolving around finding spiritual needs. Her viewpoint of society is rather similar to mine. The society is very superficial and hypocritical. Anyway, the summary of the story is that this 2 couples traveled to india to find that their are not suited for each other and therefore broke up.
So thoughts gust into my mind. I remember that time in sin5's house we were singing '旧爱还是最美' until there's this part '两个对的人却在错的时候爱了一回'. Then his mum was wondering if there could be '两个错的人却在对的时候爱了一回', we answered yes. 对错 in this case is whether the 2 is suitable for each other.
I also came across this in James RVWLST blog, that he saw from Lu Ying's blog: "Hongster never die, Tiongxim first to die. Faithful is a lie, flirting is your life."
And of course there's the recent few scandals of the media.
By merging all of them together, we can see that the society is superficial to the point where love definition had eroded, and people just came together for many different reasons but love. Thus it is possible that a pair unsuitable couple fell into a relationship because of the external factors such as environment, situation, mood, state of mind, etc. Hence they would eventually realized about this and break up after that. So is it rather rare to have '两个对的人却在错的时候爱了一回' instead?
By my definition of love, love should be unconditional, and there should be trust between it, and it obviously is unexplainable yet insoluble in time. Love has wide range not only to couple, even to parents or teacher. When you love someone, to me it should be unconditional, eg. you love your child so next time they will be successful / teacher love students because want them to be more wise, so in couple, i think one should love to bring him/her the best, for example if the party had flaws, should persuade and encourage him/her to the 'right' track, not set laws and confinements to force the party since the party should have free will to still live his life and etc, so there isnt a need to assume that the party had another affair, if both parties have trust on each other, there is nothing to be afraid of. Furthermore, by being unconditional, the other party have the right not so love back. Thus should there be a mindset to dominate the party all by yourself? By doing so it is rather lust and not love. If there isnt trust that both parties would love each other, then why the need to marry?
Simple, because they dont think that much, as long as at the moment, everything is smooth and blissful, ta-da... marry. So it got me thinking whether true love had extinct, and everyone becomes dutiful or lecherous.
Posted by
6/08/2010 06:53:00 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
It was really entertaining to re-watch Gulliver's Travel as it embarked me to the fantasied 'imperfect' worlds. I was awed by the great portray of modern society through this seemingly children novel. The lilliputians are ignorant to the eyes of Gulliver for fighting against its enemy with no clear reasons, yet he himself is regarded ignorant to the brobdingnag for the silly society he have compared to brobdingnag. There, it was almost like an utopia where everybody do their part and take their shares, sharing almost everything. It is govern by a royal family which harbor the citizens' interest rather than greed and supremacy. This much be the closest society to ideal society. Gulliver is expelled trying to introduce gunpowder to them. Then the idea of living forever is addressed in the world of Struldbruggs, where it is a torture rather than a blessing. The climax of the whole story, in my point of view, is when Gulliver meets the Houyhnhnms. These are flying horses which did everyhing for a reason, such that they marry for heritage, thus they were not bothered by the lost of its spouse therefore showed no depression at all. Yet they still respected them to give them proper burials. They do not have the word 'lie' in their dictionary and diamonds were just rocks to them. In contrast, there were yahoos there shaped just like humans, greedy and scandalous, which Gulliver soon realised that humans were similar to them in terms of behavior and appearance. He ended up misanthrope.
Posted by
6/03/2010 09:24:00 PM