Ip Man 2 is cool!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Today is screwed, I got all the wonderful ideas but my brains are lagging, that the moment I recalled what to write, my hands had gone pass a paragraph. Oh well, it's only prelim...
Anyway today's poem is very meaningful and beautiful, yet the question kindda sucked.
My Grandmother
She kept an antique shop - or it kept her.
Among Apostle spoons and Bristol glass,
The faded silks, the heavy furniture,
She watched her own reflection in the brass
Salvers and silver bowls, as if to prove
Polish was all, there was no need of love.
And I remember how I once refused
To go out with her, since I was afraid.
It was perhaps a wish not to be used
Like antique objects. Though she never said
That she was hurt, I still could feel the guilt
Of that refusal, guessing how she felt.
Later, too frail to keep a shop, she put
All her best things in one narrow room.
The place smelt old, of things too long kept shut,
The smell of absences where shadows come
That can't be polished. There was nothing then
To give her own reflection back again.
And when she died I felt no grief at all,
Only the guilt of what I once refused.
I walked into her room among the tall
Sideboards and cupboards - things she never used
But needed; and no finger marks were there,
Only the new dust falling through the air.
Elizabeth Jennings
Posted by
4/27/2010 04:05:00 PM
Monday, April 26, 2010
Yesterday had one of the most enjoyable training. Morning I was late as I had to wait for shixiong to hide the cake for shijie thus had to run 20 rounds instead of the expected 50 yuan di tiao. However seeing shijie in such a glee was fulfilling.
During training played lots of games, first is dog-n-bone. Then after that i the wushu catching game haha where to avoid being caugt must do some moves for the cather to follow. I realized it was extremely wearying with handful participant. Then when I lead them we did something very new to bedok i guess... we recite tang poems haha. So whoever couldnt continue the line was punished 10 yuan di tiao, including me cuz i had the first line wrong: tu(Hong) dou sheng nan guo.
I was amazed that I could remember those poems. It was approximately lower primary, when everyone had to memorize them for chinese. Since then I had never revised them nor putting any effort to remember them yet it just flows when I open my mouth, not fully aware of what came out. Anyway Mothers' Day coming so I guess have to write the 游子吟. Wanted to sing the mothers' day song yet was condemn for awful voice, sigh oh well...
Then followed shixiong to meet jiaolian group to eat, huizhen tagged along. Really entertaining to see huizhen guessing the seniors' age. Then ting sheng came up with a phy question that I just found out how to justify. I realized agin how important is force diagram. I was rather stubborn and lazy to draw but now i get it.
Posted by
4/26/2010 06:01:00 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I was dumbfounded, parents of this generation should go for more parenting workshop, more time management workshop and perhaps, some psychology workshop as well as moral and values workshop…
I thought being deprived of 3 days of sleep to prevent ‘vegetables’ from being stolen are shocking enough, then goes suicide due to warcraft. These are still harming own selves, now this? This concerns not only another innocent life, but the torture the child went through being starved and missing from love. Really shocked, internet had reached its peak to kill human instead of helping them. Yet we can all do nothing, no use to adopt aggression towards it, it had went out of control.
Anyway I love this joke: 现代的人都是‘经里’,经常在家里!
Posted by
4/21/2010 06:09:00 AM
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Giving Tree
A great classic story to show the selfish of mankind and to some extent, the plight of a parent. In the end what the boy wants is nothing but companion of the tree - what an old man would need.
Posted by
4/19/2010 11:06:00 PM
The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein
A great story to show that the process is often more enjoyable than the end...
Posted by
4/19/2010 10:52:00 PM
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O
Great story to show that nothing lasts, and that you would be alone eventually...
Posted by
4/19/2010 10:50:00 PM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Another week had passed, basically went to watch competition on mon and fri. On fri a little special, missed school and went to rv high, as well as jurong point for the first time! rv is really great, although the design is somewhat 'metallic' and 'boxy' just like any other new schools or mrt stations, the layout is rather cool, and is really huge! pity the jurong sec beside, the ratio was like 4:1?
Sat went to tim bbq with tai since joel did not turn up. No offense but their cell group are really dead, no enthu at all, but it is successful, esp aaron. So I was out from 9am-9pm... crazy...
That left me lethargic today, whole day mind was rather dead. Had a practice spar without gloves with sx, had wised up a little. Then me and sin5 went to sx house for war-kings commercial production. Really fun, i think sx is really creative to come up with all those props, mostly home-made haha. He had been sustaining my admiration of him. Was a little tired so I guess I was once again not in the best state to act. Next time then.
Just finished watching 'how to train your dragon'. Well again the storyline is predictable, the dragons are so fake. YET they are so CUTE!! (esp the part where the dragon smiled and when it was upside down). It is a typical show that after the whole show I would smile for the appreciation for the great movie and heartfelt message (or rather happily-ever-after bliss) although had no great impact or amazement of it.
By the way I found 'Behaviour of Fish in an Egyptian Tea-Garden' a beautifully carved poem where it could easily made into a essay. One of these days I should attempt on that...
As a white stone draws down the fish
she on the seafloor of the afternoon
draws down men's glances and their cruel wish
for love. Slyly her red lip on the spoon
slips-in a morsel of ice-cream; her hands
white as a milky stone, white submarine
fronds, sink with spread fingers, lean
along the table, carmined at the ends.
A cotton magnate, an important fish
with great eyepouches and a golden mouth
through the frail reefs of furniture swims out
and idling, suspended, stays to watch.
A crustacean old man clamped to his chair
sits coldly near her and might see
her charms through fissures where the eyes should be
or else his teeth are parted in a stare.
Captain on leave, a lean dark mackerel
lies in the offing, turns himself and looks
through currents of sound. The flat-eyed flatfish sucks
on a straw, staring from its repose, laxly.
And gallants in shoals swim up and lag,
circling and passing near the white attraction;
sometimes pausing, opening a conversation:
fish pause so to nibble or tug.
Now the ice-cream is finished,
is paid for. The fish swim off on business:
and she sits alone at the table, a white stone
useless except to a collector, a rich man.
Posted by
4/18/2010 07:46:00 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
Had an incident today, wan yan spear was confiscated temporary, as well as xiang hao's. What came to my mind was why the hell they restrict athletes to warm up else where but a designed location, worst of all, no weapons are allowed in that area. Where's the justice, how are they gonna warm up then? I would prefer an image where in a certain radius from the competition hall, an utopia of martial arts could be seen where everyone is practicing their moves, much like the hostel area at wudang shixiong said before. When I stepped into the school I find it dead, with a cat laying flat on its belly, limbs spreaded out. I though it was because it was too early unlike on last monday where I came right on time.
Francis had a deeper feedback. He says as an athlete, one should be responsible for their moves and behavior, that would cancel out the safety issue. Anyway by this incident wan yan was obviously agitated, a huge blow at her weakened confidence-vulnerable spot... well but when i heard they would give her back before the competition i felt nothing, as if everything was as for normal. She prepared hard for it, well, another example of its more vital to handle a situation rather than prevent a situation.
Posted by
4/12/2010 09:56:00 PM
Friday, April 9, 2010
Really great today though had a slight fever in the morning which helped me skipped school. Glad I skipped anyway it was boring today, and another nagging session by ms soon. I think I benefited more studying at home, read up some newspaper and stuffs like that, and revised a little of venice, as well as amaths. Well, one question on amaths haha. More of the newspaper part. Anyway had a great lunch, ketoprak, by mum. Thanks Mum! And watched some dramas. Rushed down to huizhen competition at 3.30, got lost while on hp with tai, arrived just in time to see her performance. She did great, improvements could be seen.
After that did a ce lun qiao shou zhan with rv people. Francis is powerful, next time pk again haha. Sheng Hui is catching up fast too by training on the table legs. I couldnt brace non living things, only depending on human challengers haha. rv people never fail to amaze me. I bet tomorrow the tuition centre would be shocked ot see my bruised hands, I suppose it would be black, like poisoned - raven black, maybe I could joke and say "caused by friction" haha.
Posted by
4/09/2010 09:11:00 PM
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Just finished watching little big soldier, as usual jackie's film always have sad endings. However the humour between are great. Really enjoyed it, I think better than spy next door. It wasnt war film as what many might be misled, the focus is on the 2 main characters, their bonds, their friendship, their honour.
Posted by
4/03/2010 11:29:00 PM
Today Sammy Jiang was super hilarious. He shared to us about his neighbour, which was rather priceless for the entertainment. Sammy had noticed that his 2 mynahs outside seemed to be different after few days, thus one day he asked:
S: "Willy, dont mind if I ask arh, your mynah seemed different every few days, sometimes bigger sometimes smaller..."
W: "Oh you noticed, yea I had 5 of them..."
Then he also mentioned about his plants that attracted the NEA to inspect and suggest that neighbour to stop planting aquatic plants. Guess what he responded?
"Mosquito? Where? Show me?"
The whole class had lots of laughter. Still have some more but have to use facial expression to produce the effect, regarding the 2 cameras outside that neighbour's house.
Really amazed by him, so straightforward, yet to certain extend funny. According to Sammy he is really a friendly neighbour and nice to get along despite differences in race and etc.
Posted by
4/03/2010 07:20:00 PM
Friday, April 2, 2010
just finished watching bruce almighty on 5. great show, lots of humour, however evan almighty bring out a stronger message. the frequent commercial breaks led me to log on to fb. saw a message on someone's wall "please know who i am... not for what i do but what i am inside" Rather feel for him. Got similar feelings before. Had a small chat since i got no popcorns to snack. Hope he felt as great as I do after that. No one in the world knows you better than you yourself, why care about how people look at you. You got the free will to live your life (quoted from bruce almighty) an nobody aint gonna take that away. Life's too short to be petty haha, just enjoy larh, at least have the experience and fun.
Today's hot, lucky did not go out. I felt sick by being at home, what could be worst? Now i see a benefit of staying out, save the air-con and fan bill. Mum was tired after the lunch and dinner, slept soundly without nagging me to sleep haha, cool eh it was 12am and she was not bothered by me. Why cant she be this way everyday, kept worrying about child's well being. Parents are always like that, everyone's got their life 儿孙自有儿孙福, sometimes do not need to over concern, if the concern would make you in a discomfort state do you think being the 'guilty' ones would feel good?
Today is great, had a great 3 hour sleep after lunch until jo came to chat a little and he went to his friend's birthday bbq at 6. Watched the tv till now haha. Did chores at the commercial breaks. Well, the holiday is just gone, gotta get back to reality tomorrow... or rather 9 hour later... Peace to all
Posted by
4/02/2010 11:59:00 PM
Sigh I really hate it when one claimed to be free anytime and after we set the time he says not free... Oh well doesn't seem to be something of a big issue, it's just a day with no activity nia. His idea in he first place, why not he organize, since his words would reach others better, I at most would reach the usual 4...
Well it isnt a bad thing, at least without this I could have sometime to myself and mum, somethings things must have been planned out by someone somewhere up there.
Finally free of homework debts, just have to finish up the new homework and im all done. Wootz~!
I think integration is easy, throug that I understand differentiation more haha. Soon gonna go buy some groceries ba, when my mum wants it. She cooking spagethi again for lunch, woohoo. Oh must intro the cream for the pizza hut cream of chiiken soup. That would reinforce the taste.
Pass by francis blog, yupp i think so too good parents always lead a hard life trying to love their children even if they have to leave someday. And eventually parting with goodbyes or even parting from the world. I think keeping et is somewhat a good idea for kids, it will make them understand life with a companion, and needs of the companion, and ofcoz feeling of parting with the companion. Therefore it serves as a spiritual teacher, teaching about life to the kids. But this only applies to people who love to keep them to care and not to torture.
Posted by
4/02/2010 09:09:00 AM