No time post yesterday, it was Johann's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! Weide high fever, sad... get well soon... so yesterday gym only 4 people, then bowei didnt bring clothes, in the end, we play block cathching and crocodile, lol.... fun lehh, since p5 play lehh, ps i no childhood de, very late then play these games.... then ordered a half kg cake. Never buy from that bakery marh, somemore know him quite well, try his cake lorh, if nice next time buy again, but kindda dumb, half kg i think onli Jo eat, how to share sia, zijian knew him at primary school, he wanted contribute too, if all contribute, means 7 people sahring cost of a $13 cake... wah, good coz save money, but I was initially planning to buy $20++ cake. But neverminf, as long it's sincere im sure he would apreciate.. started to listen 在那遥远的地方, another old song ofcoz...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
juz back from bdmntn, bored... no b boys still courts fully occupied.... sian, rather play outside myself, train more, play more, laugh more... awaiting meet johann friend, 2nd in his school i think. Meet someone pro fun marh, can learn from him... hope he easy to get along, not boastful and expert.... my blog got 1 reader, not dead yet afterall... i opted out for binds but registered for china trip, $1500 -14 days with comfort and good tech + shopping and games more worth it than $500- 5 days being tortured, nothing to do but cip... compo yesterday did not turn out that subject, waste my time lol...
Posted by
2/18/2009 06:28:00 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
比如,缺乏四肢的人,没用吗?天生就染了惡疾的人,没前途吗?学习迟钝,理解比别人慢的人,愚蠢白痴吗?相反的,这些人往往在他们最后的日子里,总做出伟大的贡献。如爱因斯坦,一个比别人迟发言的人,竟然对社会有那么大的贡献;泰瑞福克斯,得了骨癌痛却还买力的为癌症研究会筹款。所以万万不可因为一些缺乏失去意志,自己先气馁。许冠杰的歌词写得好,“命里有时终须有 命里无时莫强求”,“天造之材 皆有其用”。
To be edited... just preparing for tomorrow's compo, got some phrases copied larh i not so chim de...
Posted by
2/17/2009 02:54:00 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
lol call other ppl update blog i own self did not, hmm.. been long sinc lost hp, got over it, whats yours is yours, whats not will eventualli gone, my 5th time in my life lost hp, pathetic...lets start from studies, my ca test
chem 16/25, avg in class
phy 19/25, above avg in class
maths 29/35, 3 more marks to ful, other 3 for bad maths communication
eng 11/25, pathetic but best class (mine) 11 passes, C class 0 pass lol
chinese 24/50 way below avg i sucked
school is lifeless, busy schedule throughout week, tue-fri badminton, fri night wushu, sat tuition whole day, sunday wushu... watched mind your language once in awhile, it rox! haha... yesterday badminton & wushu now all aches over... sian, i bai ka liao, sheng hui sick, tai not there due to fever, johann tired, ystdy performance atrocious.... coming tue got a badminton match with johann's friend.... thats all, kindda systematic actualli, i disagree to sheng hui, yes the path is choosen by you, yet in many cases, life will force you into another... so dont be discouraged if you dont get your goal, 天生我才必有用 (you are on Earth for a purpose), a phrase my grandpa said before death, it's true whether or not ur purpose is small matter like persuading people to be good or to distinguish good and evil by becoming the bad ones (not encounraged).... Few days back felt uneasy to watch an old man struggling to even walk, 2 times already, damn why didnt i help just because i rushing to go bdmntn, am i an asshole??
thats all for today, stay tuned for next eisode of 'Kaya's journals', lol blog dead withiout single reader but prefer it this way... so can be bit personal
Posted by
2/14/2009 09:50:00 AM