Relax, thanks those who comfort me anyway, esp ly and qh. The previous post, aiya, just got fed up, and vent the anger on words... There suppose to be a poem, but I forgot where I put, and if I put up probably you all will go like 'wah, so cheem'. I always express myself in poetry, so when I'm sad, I'll write either something to cheer me up (which turns out sucky most of the times) or write negative views, I even wrote something like death, where if gets worst than the jj killer MV for adults. For qh, thanks for the postcard, it's beautiful, but you don't have to pray for me, maybe you can pray for others, the failures, the poors, or something like that, don't waste your prayer on me, anyway I'm a free thinking, the freethinker that I mix some religion practices and my thoughts. To me, there’s few gods, or immortals, that appear as the god you believe. Kay, I know it’s hard to comprehend. To me, god aim is to have a balance in life and death, a balance in good and evil, a balance in fate and prediction. There will not be longevity pills, or whatever there may be. The world must be balance, so the death returns to heaven, the volunteers go down and try to make the world a happy place. The road of life is easy to say, it’s just a straight uproad, but with other roads splitting. These are distractions. So, since I written this post: Global Warming, why now? not pass, not future?
God is not happy with new technologies that oppose him, like GMs, by Genetically Modifying an item, it can be made into your choice, which is something like a gain without pain. This is a form of not balancing the fate and prediction. Imagine you’re a father, and your children surpass you and breaks your expectations. Then, big events were created like SARS, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanoes eruption and eventually Global Warming, to punish us, smarty-pants. Witnessing these, other small immortals couldn’t bear with the sufferings especially the ones who are innocent. Therefore, they come back to Earth hopefully to save the world. So there’s a hope of fighting global warming, somehow, I don’t know yet, but there will be a way.
Again, about me, I also like Tao, the friend of nature, go test up this experiment: take a drop of drinking water, before that, have a kind of thinking that the water is nothing, it’s useless, it owes you a thousand bucks coz you are forced to drink it. Under the microscope, you’ll see the water in a messy, untidy pattern. Contradictorily when you have the thinking that water is great, it helps our body to be alive, it colours the world blue, it helps the marine life to live. This way, the water will appear peaceful, beautiful, clear. I tried it, I know it. SO non-living things have feeling too, like the sunset, it’s beautiful, it is the clouds that forms it, the sunlight, the sun, their feelings...
Kay, enough of my long post... this is one funny poem...
I once had a friend named Lassie
Who was the Drama Queen sassy.
She would flip her hair,
And look did we dare,
For lice was all you could see.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Okay, yeah I know, it’s been long since I blogged. Nothing to blog recently, anyway... For those who keep on saying ‘Assistant-Chairman must show good example’ or whatever it is... An AC is just a title, it makes no difference, and I am still a boy, an ordinary boy who led the same freaking life as you. The fucking badge is only a rank, which makes no difference to me. I could be a gangster smoking, drug-addict, fighter or even a thief with this badge. So I am me, not a VIP or God or something like that. I’m just same as you, I study too, I play too, I make mistakes too, and I’m just an ordinary school kid okay!! In fact, I maybe stupider and dumber than a lot of you, but I don’t give a fucking damn and I don’t care whether I have a hundred beta forms or a hundred apology letters stuck in my asshole or suspended from school or sent back to my own country, I AM ME, if you think you can be better, then tell me, I give this position to you. What more, I stay back everyday just to clean and tidy up the classroom and what you all did the first minute when you step into the classroom was to mess the room up. I closed my eyes to some that played during recess which is not allowed, and the respond I get was ‘Kaya was so relax, he did not do any job’ wtf... I go home, I got to do chores and revise my little cousin work and he kept on bugging me to play with him whenever he’s free, and if you got a brother you’ll know what it’s like. My block was going to be en-blocked, I have been helping my parents and that Mr.Yip nag me as if house was ot his business, if we can’t find a house, will he let me stay in his house, NO, well even if he allow, I would rather live in a beggar’s home, at least I can help him/her, rather than that fucker. I gtg, someone’s calling me... you know who...
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7/24/2007 07:42:00 PM